Section 1 What Is Earth Science? Section 2 Science as a Process Chapter 1 Introduction to Earth Science Table of Contents Section 1 What Is Earth Science? Section 2 Science as a Process
Name the four main branches of Earth science. Chapter 1 Section 1 What Is Earth Science? Objectives Name the four main branches of Earth science. Discuss how Earth scientists help us understand the world around us.
The Scientific Study of Earth Chapter 1 Section 1 What Is Earth Science? The Scientific Study of Earth Earth science the scientific study of Earth and the universe around it Earth science assumes that the causes of natural events (phenomena) can be discovered through observation and experimentation.
Branches of Earth Science Chapter 1 Section 1 What Is Earth Science? Branches of Earth Science Geology: study of the origin, history, and structure of Earth and the processes that shape Earth Few examples of specialized fields of study: seismology volcanology exploration for natural resources (coal & oil) paleontology
Chapter 1 Section 1 What Is Earth Science? Oceanography: study of the ocean, including the properties and movement of ocean water, the characteristics of the ocean floor, and the organisms that live in the ocean. Specialized fields: Study ocean water study waves, tides, and currents study the ocean floor study the organisms that live in the oceans.
Chapter 1 Section 1 What Is Earth Science? Meteorology: the scientific study of Earth’s atmosphere, especially in relation to weather and climate Using satellites, radar, and other technologies, meteorologists study the atmospheric conditions. They prepare weather forecasts. Some meteorologists study climate, the patterns of weather that occur over long periods of time.
Chapter 1 astronomy: the scientific study of the universe Section 1 What Is Earth Science? astronomy: the scientific study of the universe Modern astronomers use Earth-based and space-based telescopes to study the sun, the moon, the planets, and the universe.
Chapter 1 Section 1 What Is Earth Science? Environmental Science: (relatively new) involves the study of humans interaction with the environment. Study issues: use of natural resources pollution the health of plant and animal species on Earth.
The Importance of Earth Science Chapter 1 Section 1 What Is Earth Science? The Importance of Earth Science Better predict potential disasters and help save lives and property. Understand our place in the universe. Gain access to Earth’s resources, and help use those resources wisely.
Chapter 1 Section 2 Science as a Process Objectives Explain how science is different from other forms of human endeavor. Identify the steps that make up scientific methods. Analyze how scientific thought changes as new information is collected. Explain how science affects society.
Behavior of Natural Systems Chapter 1 Section 2 Science as a Process Behavior of Natural Systems The goal of science is to explain natural phenomena. Scientists ask questions about natural events. Then work to answer those questions through experiments and examination. Assume nature is understandable. Expect that nature is predictable. Future behavior of natural forces can be anticipated. Expect that similar forces in a similar situation will cause similar results.
Chapter 1 Scientific Methods Section 2 Science as a Process Scientific Methods Over time, the scientific community has developed organized and logical approaches to scientific research. These approaches are known as scientific methods. Scientific methods are not a set of sequential steps that scientists always follow. Rather these methods are guidelines to scientific problem solving.
Scientific Methods, continued Chapter 1 Section 2 Science as a Process Scientific Methods, continued The diagram below shows a basic flowchart of scientific methods.
Chapter 1 Scientific Method: Section 2 Science as a Process Scientific Method: Observation the process of obtaining information by using the senses; the information obtained by using the senses Observations commonly lead to questions.
Chapter 1 3. Form a Hypothesis Section 2 Science as a Process 3. Form a Hypothesis hypothesis an idea or explanation that is based on observation and that can be tested, a tentative answer Most hypotheses are based on known facts about similar events.
Chapter 1 4. Test the Hypothesis Section 2 Science as a Process 4. Test the Hypothesis A hypothesis is tested by performing experiments, a procedure that is carried out according to certain guidelines. independent variable in an experiment, the factor that is deliberately manipulated dependent variable in an experiment, the factor that changes as a result of one or more other factors (the independent variables)
Chapter 1 5. Draw Conclusions Section 2 Science as a Process 5. Draw Conclusions If the hypothesis fits the known facts, it may be accepted as true. If the experimental results differ from what was expected, the hypothesis is changed or discarded. The experimenter may have to start a new experiment with the modified hypothesis. The results of scientific inquiry may lead to new knowledge and new methods of inquiry that further scientific aims.
Scientific Measurements and Analysis Chapter 1 Section 2 Science as a Process Scientific Measurements and Analysis Scientists around the world can compare and analyze each other’s measurements because scientists use a common system of measurements called the International System of Units, or SI. Meter (m), Kilometer (km), Gram (g), Kilogram (kg)
Chapter 1 Accuracy and Precision Accuracy refers to how Section 2 Science as a Process Accuracy and Precision Accuracy refers to how close to being right. Precision is how often that number comes up. Error Error is an expression of the amount of imprecision or variation in a set of measurements. Error is commonly expressed as percentage error or as a confidence interval.
Chapter 1 Observations and Models Section 2 Science as a Process Observations and Models When experiments are impossible, scientists make additional observations. The hypothesis is tested by examining how well the hypothesis fits or explains all of the evidence. A model is a description, representation, or imitation of an object, system, process, or concept. Several types: physical models graphical models conceptual models mathematical models computer models.
Acceptance of Scientific Ideas Chapter 1 Section 2 Science as a Process Acceptance of Scientific Ideas Scientific understanding is built on research of generations of scientists. When scientists reach a conclusion, they introduce their findings to the scientific community. Publication of Results and Conclusions Scientists commonly present the results of their work in scientific journals or at professional meetings. Results published in journals are usually written in a standard scientific format.
Chapter 1 Section 2 Science as a Process Peer Review Scientists follow an ethical code that states that only valid experimental results should be published. To reduce bias, scientists submit their ideas to other scientists for peer review. peer review the process in which experts in a given field examine the results and conclusions of a scientist’s study before that study is accepted for publication
Chapter 1 Formulating a Theory Section 2 Science as a Process Formulating a Theory theory the explanation for some phenomenon that is based on observation, experimentation, and reasoning; that is supported by a large quantity of evidence; and that does not conflict with any existing experimental results or observations A scientific law is a general statement that explains how the natural world behaves under certain conditions and for which no exceptions have been found. Theories and scientific laws can be changed if conflicting information is discovered in the future.
Chapter 1 The Importance of Interdisciplinary Science Section 2 Science as a Process The Importance of Interdisciplinary Science Scientists from many disciplines commonly contribute the information necessary to support an idea When an explanation is supported by evidence from a variety of fields, the explanation is more likely to be accurate.
Acceptance of Scientific Ideas, continued Chapter 1 Section 2 Science as a Process Acceptance of Scientific Ideas, continued The diagram below shows how interdisciplinary science helped develop the impact hypothesis of the extinction of the dinosaurs.
Chapter 1 Science and Society Section 2 Science as a Process Science and Society The work of people, including scientists, is influenced by their cultural and personal beliefs. Science is also used to develop new technology. Technologies can address a specific human need. Technology can also be an indirect result of science. Scientists have an obligation to consider the possible negative effects of their work. Before making decisions about technology, people should consider the alternatives, risks, and costs and benefits to humans and to Earth.
Chapter 1 Introduction to Earth Science Brain Food Video Quiz