Dr. M. L. Holt Lecture Six Morgan State University
Work Stress in the workplace increases the risk of disease In general, having a job is better for health than having no job People who have more control over their work have better health Evidence shows that stress at work plays an important role in contributing to the large social status differences in health, sickness absence and premature death
Definitions Stressors Demands made by internal or external environment that upset balance, thus affecting psychical, psychological well being Require some level of action to restore balance and equilibrium
Transactional Model of Stress and Coping A framework of evaluating processes of coping with stressful events All stressful experiences, including chronic illnesses, are perceived as person-environment transactions Key constructs Primary appraisal Secondary appraisal Coping effects Meaning based coping Adaptation
Transactional Model of Stress and Coping
Constructs Primary appraisal (Am I ok?) Evaluation of the significance of a stressor or threatening event Secondary appraisal (How much control do I have?) Evaluation of the controllability of the stressor and a person’s coping resources
Transactional Model of Stress and Coping
Constructs Coping effects Actual strategies used to mediate primary and secondary appraisal Problem Focused Coping – based on a person’s capability to think and alter the environmental event or situation Emotion Focused Coping – the focus is on altering the way one thinks or feels about a situation or event
Transactional Model of Stress and Coping
Constructs cont. Meaning based coping Coping process that induce positive emotions, which in turn sustains the coping process by allowing reenactments of problem or emotion based coping Adaptation Emotional well being, functions status, health behaviors
Transactional Model of Stress and Coping
Application #5
Step 1: Identify a stressor in your life A stressor in my life is Illness, including minor stressors such as a flu and cold, and major stressors, such as cancer or heart disease
Step 2: Choose primary or secondary appraisal and identify why you choose that one I have chosen a primary appraisal. This is because during primary appraisal a person can seek answers to the meaning of the situation with regard to their well being.
Step 3: Identify some coping effect strategies to apply to your stressor Filling up every minute to avoid facing problems. Taking out your stress on others (lashing out, corporeal violence, annoyed outbursts. Withdrawing from acquaintances, relations, and activities. Sleeping too much
Transactional Model of Stress and Coping
Step 4: Identify some meaning based coping strategies to apply to your stressor The coping strategies include : Avoiding Altering Adapting Accepting
Transactional Model of Stress and Coping
Step 5: Identify three adaptations of dealing with your stressor Avoidance of peers who can stress you. Learning to say no,that is, knowing your limits and sticking to them. Having control over the environment.
Transactional Model of Stress and Coping