The Roman Economy Week 5 Lecture 1 Pots and Pans Mortaria, Coarse wares & Marketing
Marketing Model 1 Savernake ware
Jars with everted rims
Reilly’s law of retail Gravitation
LC3 – C4 Finewares
Model 2 Churchill Orange WMJ
Alice Holt
Other Models Small scale rural production – supplying a number of markets with large amounts of overlapping Military Marketing ( Mortaria, SVW, BB)
Mortaria A large heavy bowl often with internal grits ( rock, flint, slag). Flanged or wall sided Used for food preparation in the kitchen, and sometimes at the table Hellenistic Antecedents. Popular in 1 st century Italy – used by the military. Dies out in the Mediterranean (apart from LC3 – C4 Syria). Used in NW Europe – Possibly not as originally intended Form continues into early middle ages ( Merovingen variants C12)
Nantwich Mortaria
Sea Transport of Colchester Mortaria
Land Transport of Mortaria
Stamps from Italian Brickyards
Gaulish Supply
Gallo Belgica Supply
Mortaria Kilns
Mancetter-Hartshill and Oxford 1973
Mancetter- Hartshill V Oxford Mortaria 2010
N Syrian Basins and Mortaria
N Syrian Mortaria
Black Burnished Ware
BB1 Distribution
Horningsea Hadrianic - Antonine
Horningsea C3
Horningsea EC4
Pink grog tempered wares LC3-C4
Fabric quantities
Form distribution
Zones of reach