IF IT IS TO BE, IT IS UP TO ME! Vera Solis Aquatic Supervisor, City of College Station
Hiring/Selection Process for Management Staff Start looking at employees that could possibly be promoted to management staff during the summer season. We open management applications to everyone on staff Applications are sorted through and management candidates are selected to be interviewed.
Interview Process Start with a having the candidate go through the process of opening and closing a facility. We also give the candidate different scenarios that a manager might potentially have to deal with. Scenarios include CPR/First Aid, customer service issues, maintenance and cleaning procedures, and chemical/water quality problems.
Identifying a Strong Candidate After the scenario interviewing, we then have the traditional question and answer sit down. Looking for people who can see the bigger picture. That can go out and take a look at the deck and see what needs to be done in all aspects of aquatics (guarding, chemicals, customer service, and maintenance).
Selecting Managers The scenario interviewing gives a greater insight into how well a manager is going to perform. We look to see how well they can handle various situations and think outside the box to meet the needs of the rest of the staff and the customers.
Training Management Staff Most of our managerial staff were hired internally. They already have a general orientation to the facilities, policies, and procedures. We start with tours of each facility, going into details about pumps rooms, chemicals, equipment, and maintenance.
Training Cont. Training managers how to manage the facility is the easy part. Training managers how to manage PEOPLE is difficult! We first focus on how our managers should interact and manage customers and their swimming experiences.
Training Cont. Secondly, we have to ensure that our managers are able to lead and manage the lifeguard staff that they will be supervising. Our front line staff are invaluable and we attempt to meet their needs as we would with our customers.
Special Situations WEATHER Hurricane, Severe Thunderstorms, and Hail WATER RELATED INCIDENT – Spinal, Unconscious, Immersion Incident POOP-CRYPTO/BLOOD POWER OUTAGE
Special Situations FIRE/THEFT/BOMB THREAT CHEMICAL RELATED INCIDENTS Mixing chemicals, acid, or chlorine in eyes HEAT EXHAUSTIN-STAFF OR GUESTS LOST CHILDREN SEVERE FIRST AID INCIDENTS Lacerations, head trauma, anaphylactic shock, CPR
Motivation!!! Management Staff Recognition and praise for good work and jobs well done. Give more challenging tasks/assignments to increase skill sets. Assign more responsibilities Take a piece of the operation.
Motivation!!!! Front Line Staff Recognition and Praise Food/Popsicles/Gatorade More responsibilities Working with staff- Not asking your staff to do anything your not willing to do.
Motivation Extrinsic External motivating factors Food and drinks Trinkets/t-shirts Money/Promotions Going to have positive short- term results Good for seasonal lifeguards Intrinsic Internal motivating factors Praise/Recognition More responsibilities/respect Going to be more positive results and garner more long- term loyalty and satisfaction Better for management staff.
Cheap Motivating Activities Gift Cards/Popsicles/Food Lifeguard picture board Lifeguard of the Week Preferential parking Cleaning Pass Go Home Early games Incorporating LG Skills into rewards system