Title I, Part B (Subpart 3) Even Start Family Literacy Equitable Services to Private Schools: Program Specifics
Title I, Part B (Subpart 3) Even Start Family Literacy Purpose of Program: Even Start Family Literacy provides funding (through competitive grants) to partnerships of school divisions and other public and private entities to support family literacy programs. The programs integrate the following: early childhood education; adult education; parenting education; and parent-child interactive literacy activities for low-income families, low-literacy parents, and their children from birth through age seven.
Title I, Part B (Subpart 3) Even Start Family Literacy Even Start is a comprehensive family literacy program, and eligible families must participate in all components. Based on its eligibility criteria, the parents or guardian of a participating private school child must qualify for Even Start based on their level of education and income. After qualifying as eligible, the child is then considered to be an eligible participant with his or her parents or guardian. (Section 1231)
Title I, Part B (Subpart 3) Even Start Family Literacy The literacy level of the parent or guardian is determined by: the absence of a high school diploma or its equivalent; inability to speak, read, or write in English; and/or testing done by the Even Start program. In an eligible family, the school-age children may be up to age seven when the family enrolls in Even Start. School-age children receive support services through the services provided to their parents by Even Start, not direct academic instruction. Sections 1235 and 1236
Title I, Part B (Subpart 3) Even Start Family Literacy Provision of Services to Private Schools: Children from the ages of birth to 7 who attend private schools are eligible for Even Start services if the following apply: their parents are eligible and enrolled in the program; and if the children receive Title I services. (Section 1236) Receipt of Services in Private Schools: The program requires equitable services for eligible Even Start families.
Title I, Part B (Subpart 3) Even Start Family Literacy Location of Services: How and where services are provided is determined through consultation with private school officials.
Title I, Part B (Subpart 3) Even Start Family Literacy To ensure compliance with the “meaningful consultation and equitable participation of students from nonpublic schools” statute, the Virginia Department of Education requires local grantees to contact private schools in their service areas every year. New and continuing grant applicants must inform and consult with private school officials before they submit their applications for funding.
Title I, Part B (Subpart 3) Even Start Family Literacy The Even Start grantee is responsible for ensuring that timely and meaningful notification and consultation is conducted with appropriate private school officials located within the program’s service area. Notification to private schools usually is sent by certified letter. Notification may be accomplished by the Even Start program being included in the process undertaken by its Title I office. (Section 1304) The Even Start program must keep copies of the letters signed by an official of each private school and proof of how they are delivered (certified mail receipt).
Title I, Part B, (Subpart 3) Even Start Family Literacy The letter must contain: the school year to which it applies; a list of applicable federally-funded programs; date, time, and location of the meeting that private school officials can attend; options and deadline for how the private school official can respond, including an alternate meeting date or time; and signature line for private school official.
Contact Information Title I, Part B (Subpart 3) Even Start Family Literacy Cheryl Strobel Cheryl or (804)