The Himalayan Challenge Strategy Blueprint
Confidential May 25, 2005Asha for Education © 2005 Outline Purpose Stakeholders Revenue streams Climb cost estimates Fundraising cost estimates Manpower requirements Timeline Coordination team Possible pledge levels
Confidential May 25, 2005Asha for Education © 2005 Purpose of the event Successful summit of Mt. Chomolongma (Everest) by Gautam Patil in May 2006 Raise awareness about the United Nations Millenium Development Goals (MDGs) through partnering with non-profits in the fields of Education, Environment and Health Raise funds for the non-profits and encourage collaboration among them towards achieving the MDGs
Confidential May 25, 2005Asha for Education © 2005 Goals for Asha A series of events around the planned summit attempt of Chomolongma to –raise funds for Asha for Education –raise awareness about Asha’s mission of empowerment through education –explore possibilities of synergy with other participating non-profits
Confidential May 25, 2005Asha for Education © 2005 Stakeholders Gautam Patil – Profile Inspired to climb Chomolongma after seeing documentary of Sherpa Tenzing and Edmund Hillary's historic climb Mountaneering experience: –Denali (Mt. McKinley), USA20,320 feet –Aconcagua, Argentina 22,841 feet Professional background: –Technology Product Management –Experience leading non-profit projects in issues including healthcare, mentoring youth, leveraging technology to empower rural artisans
Confidential May 25, 2005Asha for Education © 2005 Stakeholders Asha for Education – Profile A secular organization dedicated to socio-economic change in India by focusing on education Started in 1991 at University of California, Berkeley A global movement, with 70+ chapters worldwide Disbursed $1.5 million to over 150 projects in 20 states in India in 2004 Our core values are non-sectarianism, zero-overheads (so 100% donations go to projects), decentralized working and focus on the issues For more information please visit
Confidential May 25, 2005Asha for Education © 2005 Stakeholders Potentially organizations in fields of environment and healthcare All organizations linked through a main webpage Each fundraises individually after contributing a percentage towards the cost Benefits: –Fundraising –Raising awareness –Build networks, synergize with other organizations
Confidential May 25, 2005Asha for Education © 2005 Revenue streams 1.Climb to Base Camp –Participants raise funds and train to go to Chomolongma Base Camp in April, Climb Mt. Whitney –Marathon style fundraiser on a beginner-friendly mountain 3.Corporate underwriting 4.Contribution from high net-worth individuals 5.Individual Work An Hour like donations 6.Merchandise
Confidential May 25, 2005Asha for Education © 2005 Fundraising target Estimated total cost$100,000 To be raised by Gautam$20,000 To be raised by Asha$80,000 Potential funds raised$475,000 Proceeds$395,000 Item Min # of participants Total Costs Revenue pp Total Revenue Proceeds pp Total Proceeds Climb to Base Camp10$25,400$5,340$53,400$2,800$28,000 Mt. Whitney Climb50$50,000$2,900$145,000$1,900$95,000 Corporate Underwriting5$1,000$10,000$50,000$9,000$49,000 High Net-worth Individuals100$6,000$2,900$290,000$1,850$284,000 Online Donations500$0$30$15,000$30$15,000 Merchandise1,000$6,000$10$10,000$4$4,000 Totals1665$88,400$563,400$475,000 Summary Details
Confidential May 25, 2005Asha for Education © 2005 Climb Cost estimates Requirements (1-3 member team)Worst casePreferred Lead Guide Assistant Guides ($10,000 each) 10,00020,000 Climbing Sherpas ($5000 each) Cooks Liaison Officer 3000 Excess Baggage Hotel in Kathmandu 050 Helicopter Charter Plane Charter 00 Yaks Trip to and from Base Camp 50 Climbing Permit Sagarmatha Park Entrance Fee 100 Khumbu Icefall Fee 2375 Radio Permit 100 Satellite Phone Permit 00 Sat Phone Rate 00 extrapolated from data for a 7-member team
Confidential May 25, 2005Asha for Education © 2005 Climb Cost estimates Requirements (1-3 member team)Worst casePreferred Insurance 300 Garbage and Human Waste Disposal 100 Fuel 300 Oxygen 1000 Oxygen Masks and Regulators 600 Batteries 00 Food Bought in Nepal 500 Food Brought from U.S. 500 Medical supplies 00 Climbing Gear 500 Tents 1000 Helicopter Evacuation 00 Emergency Contingency 00 6 Training climbs at $5,000 a piece30,000 Total 60,93594,170 extrapolated from data for a 7-member team
Confidential May 25, 2005Asha for Education © 2005 Fundraising Cost estimates Costs per personFixedVariable Air Ticket$0$1,500 Guides + logistics$0$700 Hotel$0$140 Training$0$200 Total$0$2,540 Climb to base camp Fundraising Target: $5340 x 10 ($1 per meter, base camp at 5,340 m) Costs per personFixedVariable Training$0$300 Air Ticket$0$350 Hotel$0$150 Guides + logistics$0$200 Total$0$1,000 Mt. Whitney climb Fundraising Target: $2900 x 50 (20c per foot, altitude = 14,500 ft)
Confidential May 25, 2005Asha for Education © 2005 Fundraising Cost estimates CostsFixedVariable Mail + Phone$500$0 Marketing collateral$500$0 Total$1000$0 Corporate underwriting Fundraising Target: $10,000 x 5 CostsFixedVariable Dinner meeting$0$50 Mail + Phone$500$0 Marketing collateral$500$0 Total$1000$50 High net worth individuals Fundraising Target: $2,900 x 100 (20c per foot, altitude = 29,000 ft)
Confidential May 25, 2005Asha for Education © 2005 Fundraising Cost estimates Costs per personFixedVariable TShirts$6$0 Total$6$0 Merchandise Fundraising Target: $10 x 1000 Costs per personFixedVariable Total$0 Online donations Fundraising Target: $30 x 500
Confidential May 25, 2005Asha for Education © 2005 Manpower requirements Central coordination team:12-15 At each participating chapter:5-6 –This would of course need buy-in from the chapter since the chapter would contribute its share to the costs and get its share of the proceeds from the event
Confidential May 25, 2005Asha for Education © 2005 Timeline Events: –Summit attempt:May 2006 –Base camp expedition:April 2006 –Mt. Whitney ascent:Fall 2005/Spring 2006 Costs: –Asha’s share: 10 chapters => $8K per chapter –Event costs corresponding to fundraising events Fundraising Timeline: –30K by August 2005 –18K per month from September through December –All costs ($100K) to be raised before December, 2005 –Gautam and Asha will collaborate to raise funds around this event starting 6/15/05 until 8/31/06 Note: costs to be offset depending on other organizations who join in, and cost distribution among Asha chapters
Confidential May 25, 2005Asha for Education © 2005 Possible pledge levels $50Radio permits (three needed) $100Sagarmatha National Park entrance fee (one time) $200Support a child in an Asha project for a year $500Oxygen tank (10 needed) $1000Permit to climb Chomolongma ($25,000 needed) $2000Sponsor Base camp $3000Sponsor Camp 1 $4000Sponsor Camp 2 $5000Sponsor Camp 3 $7000Sponsor Camp 4 $9000Sponsor Camp 5 $10,000Sponsor Summit $10,000Media Sponsor $25,000Event Sponsor
Confidential May 25, 2005Asha for Education © 2005 Coordination team 1Gautam PatilClimb and raise funds through personal contacts 2Anand RaghavanAsha-wide projects coordination team; Asha SV 3Netika RavalPresident, Asha for Education, USA; Asha SV 4Avik PalAsha SV; part of IIT-50 program coordination team 5Balu SharmaAsha SV; a climber himself 6Sameer KalraAsha-wide Fundraising team; Asha Central New Jersey 7Arun VadlamaniMember, Asha New York – New Jersey 8Balaji ChandrasekharFundraising team member, Asha SV 9Suryanarayana MurthyFundraising team member, Asha SV 10Venkatesh IyengarTreasurer, Asha SV 11Heeral RoyWebsite designer; Asha SV marathon coordination team Actively growing team.Listed below are people who are currently part of it Interested in joining? –Write to or
Confidential May 25, 2005Asha for Education © 2005 “Two roads diverged in a wood, and I– I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference." – Robert Frost