Class 7: Program goals and objectives UTA School of Social Work 6371: Community & Administrative Practice Dr. Dick Schoech Copyright 2009 (permission required before use) Suggest printing slides for class using: Print | Handouts | 3 slides per page | grayscale options
Review of Previous Classes 1. Generalist macro practice history, change process, roles, levels of intervention 2. Theories, values, perspectives 3. Conditions of Concern & social problems (Social conditions as problems/opportunities) 4. Assessing social conditions/communities 5. Evidence based interventions 6. Program descriptions, community linkages 7. Goals and Objectives 8. Information management, performance measurement, program evaluation
Goals Describe future outcomes or states of being Describe future outcomes or states of being Are not measurable or achievable Are not measurable or achievable Focus on outcomes and impacts Focus on outcomes and impacts Should be ambitious and idealistic Should be ambitious and idealistic
Objectives (course pack) Action statements Action statements Clear, specific and concrete Clear, specific and concrete Measurable Measurable Time limited Time limited Realistic Realistic Hierarchical (ultimate, intermediate, immediate) Hierarchical (ultimate, intermediate, immediate) Build on strengths and reduce need Build on strengths and reduce need
Types of Objectives (Kettner) Impact=outcome objectives Impact=outcome objectives Service=process objectives Service=process objectives Operational=concerns agency operations Operational=concerns agency operations Product=benefit to target community Product=benefit to target community (Not a very good classification) (Not a very good classification)
Outcome Objectives (what) (Dependent variable) Specifies what is to be done or the ends Specifies what is to be done or the ends Use words like: to reduce, to lower, to improve Use words like: to reduce, to lower, to improve Focus on client change required to reduce need Focus on client change required to reduce need Contain an “as measured by” statement Contain an “as measured by” statement Provide measures for evaluation Provide measures for evaluation Example: To lower the number of school age adolescents becoming pregnant in Arlington by 10 percent for each of the next three calendar years as measured by health department data.
Writing Outcome Objectives Components of Obj Direction of change Direction of change What is changed What is changed Target of change Target of change Results to be achieved Results to be achieved How measured How measured Time frame Time frameObjective To increase To increase parenting knowledge parenting knowledge in 30 teenage parents in 30 teenage parents by 10% by 10% as measured by the Baby Index as measured by the Baby Index by 12/1/10 by 12/1/10
Process objectives (how) (IV) Specifies the means, process, or how attain outcome Specifies the means, process, or how attain outcome Use words like: to provide, to serve, to assess, to train Use words like: to provide, to serve, to assess, to train Provide details for monitoring Provide details for monitoring Can be immediate, intermediate or ultimate Can be immediate, intermediate or ultimate Example: To provide 2 hours of peer counseling to each of 25 high-risk females school age adolescents by Dec 2010 as documented by AISD peer counselor records. Use objective practice worksheet in course pack
Writing Process Objectives Component of Obj Action taken Action taken Object of action taken Object of action taken To whom or recipient of action To whom or recipient of action How measured How measured By when By whenObjective To provide To provide 3 Hours of parenting classes 3 Hours of parenting classes To 100 teenagers identified as high risk To 100 teenagers identified as high risk As measured by school records As measured by school records By 12/1/10 By 12/1/10
Levels of objectives Ultimate outcome objective Ultimate outcome objective Intermediate outcome objectiveIntermediate outcome objective Immediate outcome objective Immediate outcome objective Ultimate process objective Ultimate process objective Intermediate process objectiveIntermediate process objective Immediate outcome objective Immediate outcome objective Activities & tasksActivities & tasks Use of levels Use of levels Use to organize many objectivesUse to organize many objectives
Objectives: Examples & Issues Examples in KMM text, pg. 129, 133, 136 Examples in KMM text, pg. 129, 133, 136 Issues Issues Hard to tell level in hierarchy (who does what & who responsible)Hard to tell level in hierarchy (who does what & who responsible) Managing by goals/objectives is like driving by looking in the rear-view mirror (Deming)Managing by goals/objectives is like driving by looking in the rear-view mirror (Deming) Focus is on doing things right rather than doing the right thing (should ground objectives in need, capacities, evidence)Focus is on doing things right rather than doing the right thing (should ground objectives in need, capacities, evidence) Fidelity, dosage, measurement, monitoring, and follow-up are requiredFidelity, dosage, measurement, monitoring, and follow-up are required
Unit of Service (Coley p. 58) Measure of “how much” of “what” is provided to the target of the intervention, e.g., 45 minutes of CBT, 50 minutes of training. Measure of “how much” of “what” is provided to the target of the intervention, e.g., 45 minutes of CBT, 50 minutes of training. Useful in process objectives Useful in process objectives Can be hard to measure, e.g., unit of service for boy scouts Can be hard to measure, e.g., unit of service for boy scouts Important to measure fidelity of implementation Important to measure fidelity of implementation
Task Analysis (LPL text, p ) The design of jobs based on an analysis of the many tasks needed to accomplish an objective The design of jobs based on an analysis of the many tasks needed to accomplish an objective Look for frequency & sophistication in working with people and things and consequences of error Look for frequency & sophistication in working with people and things and consequences of error Useful for organizing tasks into jobs, writing job descriptions, deciding compensation, designing training, evaluation, etc. Useful for organizing tasks into jobs, writing job descriptions, deciding compensation, designing training, evaluation, etc.
Charting GANTT Charts (shows completion date & length of time) GANTT Charts (shows completion date & length of time) PERT (Program Evaluation Review Technique) (Navy 50s) A PERT chart is a project management tool used for displaying project schedules depicting tasks and the dependencies between tasks. PERT (Program Evaluation Review Technique) (Navy 50s) A PERT chart is a project management tool used for displaying project schedules depicting tasks and the dependencies between tasks. Output of MS project for CPS application Output of MS project for CPS application
Summary — Goals & Objectives Program design is mission driven and operationalized by goals, objectives, & tasks Program design is mission driven and operationalized by goals, objectives, & tasks Goals are idealistic statement of future outcomes Goals are idealistic statement of future outcomes Outcome objectives specify the client change Outcome objectives specify the client change Process objects say what will be done and how to achieve the changes Process objects say what will be done and how to achieve the changes
Summary Vision Vision MissionMission Goals Goals Objective (process & outcome)Objective (process & outcome) Task (activities taken to achieve an objective) Task (activities taken to achieve an objective) Unit of service (a measure of what is provided or how much change occurred) Unit of service (a measure of what is provided or how much change occurred)