Probabilistic Optimal Tree Hopping for RFID Identification Muhammad Shahzad Alex X. Liu Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering Michigan State University.


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Presentation transcript:

Probabilistic Optimal Tree Hopping for RFID Identification Muhammad Shahzad Alex X. Liu Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering Michigan State University East Lansing, Michigan, 48824, USA

2 RFID is everywhere Muhammad Shahzad

3 Radio Frequency Identification Muhammad Shahzad

4 Tree Walking (EPCGlobal Standard) Number of queries: Muhammad Shahzad

5 Optimizing Tree Walking Muhammad Shahzad  Total queries = successful + collisions + empty  Minimize total queries

6 Limitations of Prior Art  All prior work proposes heuristics to reduce identification time ─ MobiHoc’06, PerCom’07, INFOCOM’09, ICDCS’10  No formal model of the Tree Walking process ─ No optimality results Muhammad Shahzad

7 Our Modeling of Tree Walking (Hypergeometric distribution) Level l Position p n=16 m=4 Muhammad Shahzad

8 Proposed Approach 1.Estimate unidentified tag population size 2.Find optimal level and the first unvisited node 3.Perform Tree Walking. Go to step 1 Muhammad Shahzad

9 Population Size Estimation  First time estimation: rough, but fast ─ We adapt a fast scheme proposed by Flajolet and Martin in the database community in ─ Did not use accurate RFID estimation schemes  Subsequent estimation = estimated tags - identified tags Muhammad Shahzad

10 Calculating Optimal Level Muhammad Shahzad

11 Muhammad Shahzad

12 Tree Hopping vs. Tree Walking Muhammad Shahzad

13 Tree Hopping Example Number of queries: 11 (compared to 16 of TW) Muhammad Shahzad

14 Experimental Evaluation  Implemented 8 protocols in addition to TH 1.BS (IEEE Trans. on Information Theory, 1979) 2.ABS (MobiHoc, 2006) 3.TW (DIAL-M 2000) 4.ATW (Tanenbaum, 2002) 5.STT (Infocom, 2009) 6.MAS (PerCom, 2007) 7.ASAP (ICDCS 2010) 8.Frame Slotted Aloha (IEEE Transactions on Communications, 2005) Muhammad Shahzad

15 Improvement of TH over prior art  Uniformly distributed populations ─ Total number of queries: 50% ─ Identification time: 10% ─ Average responses per tag: 30%  Non-uniformly distributed populations ─ Total number of queries: 26% ─ Identification time: 37% ─ Average responses per tag: 26% Muhammad Shahzad

16 Normalized Queries Muhammad Shahzad

17 Identification Speed Muhammad Shahzad

18 Normalized Collisions Muhammad Shahzad

19 Normalized Empty Reads Muhammad Shahzad

20 Conclusion  First effort towards modeling the Tree Walking process  Proposed a method to minimize the expected number of queries  More in the paper ─ Method to make TH reliable in the presence of communication errors ─ Continuous scanning of dynamically changing tag populations ─ Multiple readers environment with overlapping regions  Comprehensive side-by-side comparison of TH with 8 major prior tag identification protocols Muhammad Shahzad

21 Questions? Muhammad Shahzad