ActionAid schools | September 2013 | 1 Children in Conflict Lesson plan and activity sheets Israa, 13, northern Jordan PHOTO: JENNY MATTHEWS/ACTIONAID
ActionAid schools | September 2013 | 2 Children in Conflict/Lesson plan ActivityResourcesCurriculum links Starter Who do you see in the photo? Pupils share their ideas of who the girl is in the photo, using suggested prompts if appropriate. Introduce Israa and her story using notes on PowerPoint. Where is Israa and what is she doing? Pupils share their ideas. Explain what has happened to Israa and her family following the outbreak of civil war in Syria using notes on PowerPoint. Pupils complete Activity Sheet 1 by filling in what their day is like in the left hand circle, what Israa’s day is like in the right hand circle and then writing similarities in the circle overlap. ‘Children in Conflict’ PowerPoint Activity Sheet 1 - A day in the life Suggested websites for more information: o BBC BBC o UNHCR UNHCR o NASA NASA PSHE/Citizenship: KS2 4b. to think about the lives of people living in other places and times, and people with different values and customs. 4f. that differences and similarities between people arise from a number of factors, including cultural, ethnic, racial and religious diversity, gender and disability Main Split pupils into three groups. Each group answers a question from the PowerPoint, using ‘Think – Pair – Share’ technique. Pupils can use the Information Sheet to help with their answers. Pupils can use Activity Sheet 2 to write down their answers. Summarise ideas on whiteboard for pupils to refer to for the plenary. ‘Children in Conflict’ PowerPoint Information sheet Activity sheet 2 – How would you feel if..? (optional) PSHE/Citizenship: KS2 4b. to think about the lives of people living in other places and times, and people with different values and customs English: KS2 En1 2a. identify the gist of an account or key points in a discussion and evaluate what they hear Plenary Pupils write a post for a school blog (including title, tags/keywords) or an article for the school newspaper (including headline) to explain Israa’s story to other children at their school. They should compare and contrast their lives with Israa’s in the article. Newspaper template (optional) English: KS2 En3 9a. to imagine and explore feelings and ideas, focusing on creative uses of language and how to interest the reader En3 11. The range of readers for writing should include teachers, the class, other children, adults, the wider community and imagined readers. Introduction:Since civil war broke out in Syria in March 2011, more than two million Syrians have fled Syria and are now living as refugees in neighbouring countries such as Jordan and Lebanon. The UN estimates that 80% of refugees are women and children. This lesson explores the life of Israa, a 13-year-old refugee. To find out more about ActionAid’s work with Syrian refugees, please go to crisis-appealhttp:// crisis-appeal Objective:To compare and contrast children’s lives in the UK and in a country affected by conflict Outcome: To write a post for a school blog or article for a school newspaper
ActionAid schools | September 2013 | 3 My day Israa’s day Children in Conflict/Activity Sheet 1 – A day in the life
ActionAid schools | September 2013 | 4 “It is very dusty and sandy in the camp.” “The toilets in the camp are bad, the water is horrible.” “We didn’t bring any toys, just one change of clothes and one pair of shoes each.” “We left everything else behind and my mum’s told me that everything’s gone – it’s been destroyed.” Children in Conflict/Information sheet – Israa’s story “I wish I could have brought a rose from our garden with me.”
ActionAid schools | September 2013 | 5 Children in Conflict/Activity Sheet 2 – How would you feel if..?