Agriculture Sector Development Programme Phase 2 Coordination Mechanism Draft discussion notes for the ASCG 19 th April, 2012
Major Achievements on Coordination Use of Government Structures (central/local) ASLMs synergies and collaboration DP and Government consultation ASDP basket structures established Establishment of an agriculture SWAP and sector framework M and E framework established
Major Challenges Communication (within ministries, across ministries, with local authorities and clarity of information) Reporting (type of reports; timeliness and adequacy). Availability of Communication facilities at local level ( such internet, , computers) Planning at local level- for village agriculture plans and district agriculture development plans; involvement of partners- private sector/non-state actors, farmers categories Backstopping to LGA- technical backstopping, information sharing, giving directives. Also issues on capacity support and quality assurance mechanism for reports. The flow of information from both local and national level.
Challenges Cont. Clarity on the agriculture sector initiatives- awareness of the many initiatives (such as KK, SAGCOT,TAFSIP and projects ) Coverage of interventions- location/area specific or national; some districts less covered, concentration along the southern corridor Limited funding- for proposed projects at local level M and E Framework- adherence to the ASDP M &E framework by all projects Meetings – no adequate time for preparation and notice for meetings
Proposed Key Features for Coordination Mechanism Adopt SWAP approach MAFSC as coordinator/ lead Brings in non-basket partners, non-state actors, NGOs and farmers groups Strong government leadership
Coordination Structures National level institutionsFrequencyLead /Chair CabinetAnnualPresident National Stakeholders Consultative meeting AnnualPM National Steering Committee /or Agriculture Sector Coordination Group meeting QuarterlyPS MAFC Committee of DirectorsQuarterlyDPP MAFC Thematic Working GroupsRegularChair of TWG Programme SecretariatRegularDPP MAFC Local Level Institutions District Development PlansAnnualDED/DC/Council District Agriculture Development Plans AnnualDALDO/Council Ward Development PlansAnnualWard Development Committee Village Agriculture PlansAnnualVillage Development Plan
Supplementary Coordination Mechanisms Joint Review Mission of the Programme Joint Evaluation Mission Annual Agriculture Sector and Public Expenditure Review Joint Sector Report-(project concept notes and annual reports) DP Monthly Meetings
Thematic Working Groups Planning and Coordination Irrigation Development and Sustainable Water Use Agricultural Services, Information and Communication Rural Infrastructure, Market Access and Trade Private Sector Development Finance and Procurement Food and Nutrition Security Land use, Disaster Mgt and Climate Change Policy and Institutional Reform Monitoring and Evaluation
Coordination Principles Leadership The government through PS MAFSC will provide overall leadership of the projects in the sector. A data base should be established in MAFSC for all sector interventions. The projects should address interventions consistent with ASDS and TAFSIP Thematic programme areas. Planning and Budgets Each project will prepare its plans according to project objectives, logframmes and MOU. Copy of project documents and AWPB will be submitted to the Programme Secretariat for information. Reporting Projects/programmes will prepare summary quarterly progress reports and submit to the Programme Secretariat. The DADPs reports should include all agriculture interventions at the local level. These will used for discussion at ASCG/NSC meetings. All projects will be members and should participate in the relevant coordination structures/ meetings. Meeting Fora All interventions should be discussed at project /programme level and summaries submitted to MAFC each quarter for the Agriculture Sector Coordination Group meeting. Programme Secretariat There will be a programme secretariat at MAFS. Projects /programmes will provide financial/human resource support. Each ASLM will have a focal person. Also each ASLM and PMO will allocate staff to the Programme Secretariat MAFS 4,MLDF 1, MTIM 1, PMO 1.
Tanzania’s Landscape for Agricultural Development Kilimo Kwanza Ag Sector Development Strategy TAFSIP ASDP2 Expanded Irrigation devt, sustainable water & Land Use Mgmt Ag productivity & rural commercial- ization Rural infrastruc- ture, market access & trade Private sector devt Food and nutrition security Disaster Mgmt, climate change and adaptation Policy & institutional reform & support Draft March 12, 2012 ASDP Basket Fund MVIA Bread Basket Initiative SAGCOT Feed the Future Other initiatives… Examples of implementing initiatives TAFSIP Thematic Program Areas