Controls you emotions, movements, thinking and behavior 2 Parts Central & Peripheral Central: the brain & spinal cord Peripheral: Nerves branching out from spinal cord
Cells of nerve tissue through which messages travel to and from the brain Parts of the Neuron Axon Dendrite Cell Body Synapse
Hindbrain › Voluntary movements › Reflexes › Produces important chemicals Midbrain › Brings sensory info through the rest of the brain Forebrain › Controls body reactions to temp, hunger, thirst, & sex › Emotions › Higher Thinking Processes
Complete the Brain Quiz Study Guide Check Answers
No Brainers? b1QNN4 b1QNN4 Brain Phenomenon HGnlMV0 HGnlMV0
Complete the Right-Brained or Left- Brained Worksheets Class Discussion
Count off by 6s In your small groups, fill in the blanks with the item your group picked out of the bag: A Brain is like a __________________(item that you picked out the bag) because _______________________________.
A state of awareness, including a person’s feelings, ideas, and perceptions =qjfaoe847qQ =qjfaoe847qQ
Different levels of awareness Example: Sleep
Theories: › Restorative › Conserve Energy › Adaptive process › Clear minds › To Dream
Stage I: Lightest level of sleep › 10 min, eye rolling, twitching, “just drifting” Stage II: Early sleep › Muscle relaxation, limited physical mobility Stage III: Deeper sleep
Stage IV: Deepest level of sleep › Important level, difficult to wake when in this stage, disorientation is awoken REM sleep: Active sleep › Rapid eye movement, dreaming, every 90 min
Human = 1/3 of lives sleeping Amount Varies: › Newborns = 16 hours › 16 year olds = hours › 70 year olds = 5 hours Internal Biological Clock › Light and dark patterns › Jetlag
Complete the Sleep Disorders Chart for the rest of the period. Make sure to do front and back!
Mental activity that takes place during sleep Dream Content: › Often everyday activity in dreams › Large percent are negative/unpleasant › Nightmares
the having the strong feeling that an event currently being experienced was experienced in the past Theory: › A distorted memory from a disconnect w/short & long- term memory
Sigmund Freud › Founding Father of psychoanalysis › Believed in solving problems through patient and psychologist dialogue › Unconscious: part of the mind we are unaware of, but strongly influences behavior
Freud = dreams contained clues to thoughts we are afraid to acknowledge while awake Indian tribes = dream spiritual world Critics? › No purpose › Mental housecleaning › Problem-solving
Dream Diary 3 Dreams Due Tuesday Dream Interpretation on Tuesday Final Project Due Wednesday!
State of consciousness achieved by narrowed focus and heighted suggestibility Make conscious things ppl are unaware of and unaware of things they usually notice shifts your consciousness Example
Involves persuading participates to relax and lose interest in the external Can help reduce pain Similar to a deep sleep
Can you hypnotize yourself? › Sometimes just thinking of an action can result in producing that action if you can imagine that result clearly enough Stretch your arms and follow my directions (p194)
Learning how to control your internal physiological processes › Example: Heart Rate
Focusing of attention to clear one’s mind and produce relaxation 3 approaches › Transcendental › Mindfulness › Breath
Most people can benefit › Lower blood pressure › Heart rate › respiration rate Critics › Same results as simply sleeping or relaxing
Find a comfortable sitting position ?v=BaMBQSsdnxo ?v=BaMBQSsdnxo Relax and Breath Deeply, Focus on “Being” instead of “Not Thinking”