Chapter Presidents Training Region _ Chapters Regional Conference Month, Day, Year
Duties of the Chapter President Responsible for the Conduct and Supervision of Chapter Activities Preside at all Chapter/BOG Meetings Develop Chapter Calendar of Events Prepare Agendas Correlate Committee Activities Stimulate Member Enthusiasm Responsible for the Conduct and Supervision of Chapter Activities Preside at all Chapter/BOG Meetings Develop Chapter Calendar of Events Prepare Agendas Correlate Committee Activities Stimulate Member Enthusiasm
Chapter Calendar Monthly Hold board meetings and involve your officers and committee chairs. Grow your people Respond timely to requests Review & report PAOE On-Line! Consider changes that you feel would be beneficial to the chapter and/or region and store for action at the CRC (i.e. MOTIONS) Monthly Hold board meetings and involve your officers and committee chairs. Grow your people Respond timely to requests Review & report PAOE On-Line! Consider changes that you feel would be beneficial to the chapter and/or region and store for action at the CRC (i.e. MOTIONS)
July Set Chapter BOG meeting schedule. Review contents of MCO with your Chapter Officers and Chairs Plan Fall Programs & Chapter meeting dates. Prepare MBO & send to DRC Fall CRC – Register –Chapter Officers –Grassroots Committee Chairs July Set Chapter BOG meeting schedule. Review contents of MCO with your Chapter Officers and Chairs Plan Fall Programs & Chapter meeting dates. Prepare MBO & send to DRC Fall CRC – Register –Chapter Officers –Grassroots Committee Chairs Chapter Calendar
August Encourage attendance and attend the CRC! (Fall CRC) Take advantage of this last “slow” month to get all your new leaders up to speed on their new roles, and the chapter prepared for the busy Fall season! Fill any unmanned committee, and if all filed, then eliminate “committees of one” by getting help for your chairs. August Encourage attendance and attend the CRC! (Fall CRC) Take advantage of this last “slow” month to get all your new leaders up to speed on their new roles, and the chapter prepared for the busy Fall season! Fill any unmanned committee, and if all filed, then eliminate “committees of one” by getting help for your chairs. Chapter Calendar
September Send your Chapter Meeting Schedule to the DRC! Start a journal where you can record things to remember for your year-end Chapter Annual Report. First Chapter Meeting! Review your MBO with the DRC September Send your Chapter Meeting Schedule to the DRC! Start a journal where you can record things to remember for your year-end Chapter Annual Report. First Chapter Meeting! Review your MBO with the DRC Chapter Calendar
October Review Chapter Visit Schedule and plan to receive the Regional EXCOM Visitor. –Pick up from and return them to Airport –Arrange hotel room close to meeting –Arrange to have board meeting on the same night as chapter meeting. October Review Chapter Visit Schedule and plan to receive the Regional EXCOM Visitor. –Pick up from and return them to Airport –Arrange hotel room close to meeting –Arrange to have board meeting on the same night as chapter meeting. Chapter Calendar
November Review your chapter’s Bylaws and become familiar with them. The bylaws are the legal requirements by which the chapter operates. –Nomination process –Election process –Small chapter issues officer eligibility File with the IRS and copy DRC Form Chapter Nominating Committee and call for nominations. November Review your chapter’s Bylaws and become familiar with them. The bylaws are the legal requirements by which the chapter operates. –Nomination process –Election process –Small chapter issues officer eligibility File with the IRS and copy DRC Form Chapter Nominating Committee and call for nominations. Chapter Calendar
February Respond to invitation to Region # Planning meeting and President Elect training (Tentatively the first Friday and Saturday of April – To be announced)
March - April Prepare Spring CRC report on your year as Chapter President (Spring CRC) March - April Prepare Spring CRC report on your year as Chapter President (Spring CRC) Chapter Calendar
April Attend President-Elect Training (along with your President-Elect or Vice President) (Fall CRC) Hold Chapter Elections Spring CRC – Register –Chapter Officers –Grassroots Committee Chairs April Attend President-Elect Training (along with your President-Elect or Vice President) (Fall CRC) Hold Chapter Elections Spring CRC – Register –Chapter Officers –Grassroots Committee Chairs Chapter Calendar
May Announce results of Chapter Elections Assist President-Elect with populating CIQ for the next year. Continue considering motions for the CRC. Send drafts to DRC for “clean-up”. Begin writing year end reports needed by DRC for the CRC (see June). Attend CRC (Spring CRC) May Announce results of Chapter Elections Assist President-Elect with populating CIQ for the next year. Continue considering motions for the CRC. Send drafts to DRC for “clean-up”. Begin writing year end reports needed by DRC for the CRC (see June). Attend CRC (Spring CRC) Chapter Calendar
June Prepare your Chapter’s “CRC Summary” and “Annual Report” for the CRC while your memory of events is fresh. Pass the Torch Fall CRC –Attend as Alternate or Delegate –Accept your awards from your successful year! June Prepare your Chapter’s “CRC Summary” and “Annual Report” for the CRC while your memory of events is fresh. Pass the Torch Fall CRC –Attend as Alternate or Delegate –Accept your awards from your successful year! Chapter Calendar