Classroom Procedures What you need to know and do
Entering the classroom: Enter the classroom quietly every time you enter. You MUST be in your seat by the bell or you are considered tardy.
Drinks and bathroom: You may bring a bottle of water with you, to class. You may use a passport to leave the classroom to use the restroom or get a drink. You will receive 4 per quarter.
Food and Gum: Food and Gum: I do not allow gum in my classroom. Regarding food, you may not eat any type of food in the classroom unless it is part of the lesson. I do not allow gum in my classroom. Regarding food, you may not eat any type of food in the classroom unless it is part of the lesson.
Supplies: Have all of your supplies ready and with you every day. Number 2 pencils Ink pens – blue and/or black ink Highlighter Composition book with lines 1 inch binder or larger binder with dividers Notebook paper 3x5 index cards (white or colorful) Colored pencils 1 box of tissues
Hand Raising: Raise your hand to get my attention. ALWAYS BE LISTENING!
Seats: Stay in your assigned seat during bell work and direct instruction. Collaborating: Stay on task when working with a partner or group. Classroom Discussions will be organized, NOT random.
Homework and Assignments: Due dates are real. This class will follow the late work policy you received from Mrs. Bosey Homework and Assignments: Due dates are real. This class will follow the late work policy you received from Mrs. Bosey
Work Quality: All work that is turned in must be your best work. All assignments must have the proper heading in the upper right hand corner. This includes: Your First and Last name The period The date Assignment title
Absences: It is YOUR responsibility to get your missed work. 1. Look in the binder & crate. 2. Ask a classmate 3. Ask me or check the webpage
Electronics: Electronics: You may use your phones and electronics before and after school and during lunch. Electronics that are being used without permission in the classroom will be confiscated and placed in the office.
Library & Computer Labs: Library & Computer Labs: When we are there, we are guests. Be courteous, and always clean up after yourselves when you work in these areas.
Respect: Respect is the foundation for all of my classroom policies, rules and procedures. Respect yourself at all times. Respect others. Respect is the foundation for all of my classroom policies, rules and procedures. Respect yourself at all times. Respect others.
Contact information: Please check my web page often. If you need to contact me after school, please send me an . I will get your messages and respond as quickly as possible. My address is:
Be Great. Don’t be a “little monster”. There is a time to be cute, and a time to learn. You are here to learn.
Do not call attention to yourself in a negative way. This will cause the class to be less enjoyable, meaningful, and significant. In other words, you will turn class time into a waste of time for everyone.
In order for this class to be successful, EVERYONE must agree to cooperate and follow all classroom procedures.
Contract: “I have viewed the classroom procedures presentation and understand the expectations for this class.” Print your name Sign and date