Membership Chair Resource Background Gary P. White Region V Deputy Director, Membership Oct 2012 (draft) Based on presentation prepared by: Matthew J. Angiulo Western Region Deputy Director, Membership
Membership as Marketing Typical Membership Chair Activities Review Monthly Membership Reports. Membership chair follows up on delinquent members with two objectives: –Membership retention –Feedback on currently offered membership value proposition. Develop and Execute Membership Drives Work with Fellow Officers to Include Membership Growth Opportunities in Section Activities 2 Question For Each Membership Chair – What Proactive Activities Will Work in Your Section?
AIAA Strategic Goals ( ) Increase professional membership by 20% (34,000 by 2014) Boost student membership by 28% by Substantially reduce professional member attrition, to no more than 10% per year by (5% is normal attrition given a 20-year typical membership life) Actively engage prospective college graduates (while they are student members) to provide a seamless transition to membership as young professionals; increase our student-to-professional member conversion rate to 60% or more. Increase the participation of under-represented groups (young professionals, women, minorities) in our membership until it reflects industry demographics (while we continue to lead the efforts to improve these industry demographics) Double the percentage of women members (from 8% to 15%); Boost the percentage of young professionals (from 18% to 20%); and Substantially increase minority membership (Hispanic, Asian, African American, Native American). Increase the number of actively engaged members to over 50% of the total, up from about a third today. 3
Membership Chair Approach Knowing Where You Are Will Help You Figure Out Where to Go Active and Involved Sections Have Determined They Work Best When They: Know their member Demographics. Know the interests of their members. Know what their members want from the section. Section activities should be driven providing value to the members Feedback From Current and Dropping Members If Members Are Getting Value for Their Membership, They will be More Active and Retain Membership 4
June - August: Analyze current section membership demographics. Determine key demographics to target and plan as a section to address them. Use membership to drive final program plan. September - October: Focus on top priority target market segment Reach out to first and second year YPs. November - December: Focus on Secondary target market segment. Conduct renewal campaign. Review Demographics. January-March Exciting, Members-only program with promotional pricing. Focus on Primary Market Segment Member upgrade nominations. April – May Update Professional Interest Codes Membership Satisfaction Survey Prepare Annual Report & Officer Transition Membership Chair Activity Schedule 5
Resources for Membership Chair AIAA Provides Current Section Roster to Aid the Membership Chair Name, Company, Interests, Years of Service, etc. AIAA Provides Monthly Reports To Aid The Membership Chair Professional Membership Statistics by Section Student Membership Statistics by Section Educational Associates Statistics by Section Add/Drop Names Highlights Changes to the Roster Statistics Provide Insight into Section Health Comparing Data Over Time Provides Trends to help Guide Activities Add/Drop Provides Details on Section Changes Submission of Section Annual Reports provides an opportunity to review last year’s activities. 6 Good Resource:
AIAA Website 7
Go to “ 8
Click on “Sign In” 9
Click on “MidWest Region” 10
Click on HQ Documents 11 This will only show up if you’re signed in.
Obtaining and Using AIAA Demographics 12 The best way to start planning the year is by first understanding who your members are and what they want. Analyze current section membership roster to determine demographics: Geography, Company Affiliation, Professional Interest Codes, TC affiliations, Age, Gender, Membership Longevity, Growth Areas, Hemorrhaging Areas. Research addressable membership segments which are currently under-represented.
The Data Maker 13 While signed In, the Data Maker is available on your Section’s SharePoint site.
Obtaining and Using Monthly Membership Reports Institute Membership reports are updated and made available the first week of each month. Section membership reports should be filled out with this data and and sent to me by the end of each month. Provides a record for correlating section activities with changes in membership. Once correlations are made, data can be shared across the region! 14 Goal for June Report: Determine top two key market segments Develop strategy for serving them.
Click “Monthly Membership Reports” 15
Click “2010 Monthly Membership Reports” 16 The Reports Guide explains the data in the reports
Select the Desired Month 17
Choose the report to analyse 18 The Reports Guide explains the data in the reports
Obtaining and Using Add/Drop Information 19 The best way to start planning the year is by first understanding who your members are and what they want. Analyze current section membership roster to determine demographics: Geography, Company Affiliation, Professional Interest Codes, TC affiliations, Age, Gender, Membership Longevity, Growth Areas, Hemorrhaging Areas. Research addressable membership segments which are currently under-represented.
Open up “Drops” file and click on Data tab 20
Sort the Data to find your section’s data. 21 Step 1: select all Step 2: click “data” then “sort” Note: If you’re using an older version of excel, the top bar will look different but the commands are the same. Just pull down “data” and click “sort”.
Specify Columns to Sort 22 Step 1: Pull down to 1 st “Section Chapter Name” Step 2: Click “Add Level” Step 3: Pull down to “Membership Expire Date”
Scroll and Find Data 23 Scroll down to your section and cut and paste addresses of members up for renewal.
Example Add / Drop Letters 24