2015 EAA Work Plans
Science Committee Review: Applied Research and Ecological Model Work Plans on April 8. Biological and Water Quality Monitoring Work Plans on May 8. Refugia Work Plan
Program Management Long-term objective – to manage and oversee day to day operations in coordination with Applicants resulting in a valid and continued Incidental Take Permit.
2015 Work Plan Manage, facilitate and coordinate the public meetings and activities of the Implementing Committee, Science Committee, Stakeholder Committee, Regional Water Conservation Monitoring Committee. Procure and oversee contracts. Oversee Applied Research studies. Program Management
Oversee City of New Braunfels and City of San Marcos/Texas State University Work Plan activities. Enhance public outreach initiatives including HCP website. Prepare Annual Report. Support the Science Review Panel. In coordination with HCP committees, will evaluate recommendations on the models, monitoring and research programs. Program Management
Aquifer Storage and Recovery Long-term objective – to acquire 50,000 acre-feet of permitted groundwater withdrawal rights (GWRs) as leases or options to be made available to SAWS for the purposes of storage or crediting the ASR balance.
2015 Work Plan 2015 ASR Goal – continue to solicit GWRs to meet program goals; Tier 1 goal of 16,667 acre-feet by the end of Target permit holders who are identified as having un-pumped and un- marketed GWRs in previous years, especially with the end of Aquifer Management Fee rebates for municipal and industrial users in Use leasing agent for acquisition of leases. Participate in ASR Regional Advisory Group. Manage interlocal contract between EAA and SAWS for use of Twin Oaks ASR project for contribution to spring flow protection. Aquifer Storage and Recovery
Regional Water Conservation Program Long-term objective- to conserve and reduce water use by 20,000 acre-feet of permitted or exempt Edwards Aquifer withdrawals.
Continue to contact communities, including major municipalities. Search for reuse and industrial technology opportunities. Expand the “lost water” program. Identify all potential non-Edwards Aquifer water sources. Seek partners for treated effluent, greywater, etc. Work with community environmental groups. Seek opportunities for Texas Water Development Board funding. Regional Water Conservation 2015 Work Plan
Voluntary Irrigation Suspension Program Options (VISPO) Long-term objective- to enroll 40,000 acre-feet of groundwater withdrawal rights.
Monitor J-17 trigger levels on October 1. Communicate to enrollees their commitment to VISPO. If 40,000 acre-feet is not met in 2014, continue to acquire agreements (and pray for rain). VISPO 2015 Work Plan
Biological Monitoring Long-term objective- Monitor changes to habitat availability and population abundance of covered species.
2015 Work Plan Aquatic vegetation Fountain darter - Dip-net, drop-net and SCUBA transects - Dip-net at 50 fixed sites* Fixed station photography Thermistors (water quality) Fish Community Macroinvertebrate food source Comal Springs salamander Comal Springs invertebrates Comal Springs discharge San Marcos salamander TX wild-rice physical measurement Land Lake flow partitioning *Added for 2014, based on discussion by Science Committee **Based on analysis of 2013 data, one additional reach added to San Marcos River and one additional reach added to the New Channel of the Comal River for Biological Monitoring
Water Quality Monitoring Long-term objective- Detect water quality impairments that may negatively impact the listed species.
Summary of Current Sampling Program Surface water (base flow) twice annually at each spring group. Five sample sites at Comal Springs and Seven at San Marcos Springs. Storm water twice annually at each spring group, across the hydrograph. Sediment sampling annually at each surface water sample site. Passive diffusion sampling at each surface water site six-times annually. Real time monitoring for DO, pH, Turbidity, Conductivity, and Temperature. Three locations for Comal Springs and two locations for San Marcos Springs Water Quality Monitoring
Minor changes in 2015 Work Plan Sediment Sampling Current Interval is 0 to 18-inches below the surface Recommended change for sample year to 3- inches below the surface Real Time Water Quality Instrumentation Currently, the downstream sample point at San Marcos is not monitored in real-time Recommend adding a downstream instrument to monitor Willow Creek and I-35 (approximately one river mile downstream, difficult to time storm samples) Water Quality Monitoring
Ecological Modeling Long-term objective- to develop a comprehensive mechanistic ecological model to assist in Adaptive Management decisions.
2015 Work Plan Literature Review Food sources Aquatic vegetation scour % Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Cover to Biomass Component Fountain Darter Modeling Component Aquatic Vegetation Modeling Component Prototyped in two study reaches (Comal & San Marcos) Model calibration Sensitivity and robustness analysis Ecological Model
Applied Research Long-term objective- to evaluate effects of low-flows on covered species and provide information to be used in the Ecological Model.
2015 Projects (as ranked by the Science Committee) Ludwigia repens interference plant competition. Suspended sediment impacts on Texas wild-rice (and other aquatic plant) growth characteristics, and aquatic macroinvertebrates. Algae dynamics. Effects of sediment shear stress on submerged aquatic vegetation. Applied Research
Applied Research 2015 Projects (continued) Comal Springs riffle beetle habitat connectivity (surface, riparian and submerged). Fountain darter food source temperature refinement and response to plant species. Does the fountain darter exhibit compensatory reproduction, and if so, when and what causes it? What are the behavioral impacts of the fountain darter under different turbidity levels in relation to feeding success?
Stage V Critical Period Management Long-term objective- to decrease withdrawls and maintain adequate spring flows at both Comal and San Marcos Springs during times of drought.
Stage V Critical Period Management 2015 Work Plan Monitor aquifer and spring flow levels daily. Issue Notice of Commencement - 5 newspapers, permit holder mail out, website, EAA office. Monitor compliance of monthly water use reporting requirements. Provide online Critical Period Management (CPM) calculators available to permit holders to assist with calculating CPM reductions. Assess receipt of annual groundwater withdrawal report submitted by EAA permit holders on January 31 st.
WorkplanTable 7.1Proposed BudgetΔ to Table 7.1 ASR Leases and Options $4,759,000 $0 ASR O&M $2,194,000 $0 RWCP$1,973,000 $0 VISPO$4,172,000 $0 Bio Monitoring$400,000$417,029($17,029) WQ Monitoring$200,000$504,530($304,530) Eco Modeling$175,000$380,350($205,350) Applied Research Facility $0$75,000($75,000) Applied Research Research $450,000 $0 Program Management$750,000 $0 Science Review Panel$100,000$230,000($130,000)
Water Quality Monitoring Rio Vista Real Time Station Proposed Willow Creek Real Time Station