Laurel County A Community with Character
Academic Achievement Positive Behavior Successful Students We Believe …
Our Mission is “to prepare students for success by providing a quality education.”
What are we doing in Laurel County Schools to promote student success?
Student Performance Differentiated Instruction & Interventions Continuous Assessment School-wide Expectations Professional Learning Communities Learning Styles Marzano Strategies Multiple Intelligences Academic Interventions Behavioral Interventions * Research Based * Analysis of Student Data Embedded PD CSIP Strategic Focus Sustainable Leadership SWIS PAS, ACT, State Testing Common Assessments Formative Assessments Safety Positive Behavior Aligned Curriculum NCLB Goals KDE and SACS Mission & Vision SBDM Councils PTO Advisory Committees Volunteers Family & Community Involvement
The Josephson Institute’s 2008 national survey of 29,000 high school students revealed entrenched habits of dishonesty in the workforce of the future. In 2008, the number of KY children reported as abused or neglected was 88,292. The 2008 KY Center for School Safety annual report reflects a 74.2% increase in terroristic threatening from 2003 to The 2003 US Bureau of Justice Statistics Special Report revealed that seventy-five percent of America’s state prison inmates are high school dropouts. Kentucky’s Learning Goals: 3. Students shall develop their abilities to become self-sufficient individuals. 4. Students shall develop their abilities to become responsible members of a family, work group, or community, including demonstrating effectiveness in community service.
Laurel County Schools Character Education Program 12 Months 12 Character Traits
Character Education Program MonthCharacter Trait AugustFairness SeptemberResponsibility OctoberRespect NovemberCitizenship DecemberCaring JanuaryIntegrity FebruaryHonesty MarchSportsmanship AprilTrustworthiness MayPerseverance JuneSelf-control JulyPatriotism
Follow the rules Take turns and share Be open-minded; listen to others Be impartial when making decisions August Fairness
Do what you are supposed to do Be accountable for your choices and behavior Fulfill your duties and obligations Take ownership of your words and actions September Responsibility
Treat others as you want to be treated Be tolerant of differences Use good manners and language Consider the feelings and ideas of others Demonstrate empathy October Respect
Be a good neighbor Do your part in making your school and community better Vote Obey laws and rules Be loyal to your community November Citizenship
Be kind and friendly Be compassionate and show your concern Forgive others Help people in need December Caring
Doing what is right even when no one is watching Making the best choices for yourself and others even when the choice is not popular Demonstrate courage January Integrity
Tell the truth at all times Stick to the facts Do your own work Take credit for your work only February Honesty
Be respectful to opponents Win without gloating or taunting Lose gracefully without complaints or accusations Follow the rules and play fair Help an injured player March Sportsmanship
Be honest Be dependable and reliable Keep your promises Do what you say you will do April Trustworthiness
Work hard and stick with it Don’t quit Be patient and diligent Display commitment and endurance May Perseverance
Manage your feelings and actions Be in charge of your decisions; exhibit confidence Respond to situations in a positive way Make healthy choices June Self-control
Honor the United States of America Respect the flag and other symbols of America Respect and honor our veterans Respect and honor our military July Patriotism
A Community with Character Character, in the long run, is the decisive factor in the life of an individual and of nations alike. — Theodore Roosevelt We want students in Laurel County to develop strong character and positive behavior as they grow academically. We need your support and assistance in developing the future leaders and citizens of Laurel County.
How can you support Character Education in Laurel County? Advertise the program --- help spread the word! Display the character traits in your organization How can the Laurel County Schools assist YOU in your efforts to promote a Community with Character?
One last quote to consider… “Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Watch your words, for they become actions. Watch your actions, for they become habits. Watch your habits, for they become character. Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.” - Anonymous