Technical Education Quality Improvement Programme - Phase II VII th Review Meeting 24 th and 25 th April 2015 College of Engineering Karunagappally Kollam
About the College Established in the year-2000 UG Branches Started in the Year Electronics and Communication 2000 Computer Science and Engineering 2000 Information Technology 2000 Electrical and Electronics Engineering 2011 PG Courses M.Tech in Image Processing (CS) 2011 M.Tech in Signal Processing (EC) 2012 Received the first installment of TEQIP fund on
Targets of the Institutional development plan and their current status of achievement As per Table 30 of Institutional Development Plan
Number of Students entered for MTech Programmes and Revenue from R &D Project fund
IRG as % of total annual recurring expenditure and Number of publications in refereed journals.
Students Credentials
Number of collaborative programmes with industry and Accreditation Status
Faculty position filled and percentage of faculty having masters or doctorate degree
Transition rate from I year to II year and Autonomy status Autonomy status Baseline- Nil Target – Academic Autonomy Current Status - Applied
Features of Revised IDP IDP has been revised based on the revised SWOT analysis Based on the SWOT, new strategic plan has been proposed New action plans for improving employability of graduates, increased learning outcomes, enhancement of research and consultancy activities, improving interaction with industry, organising Finishing school etc have been proposed TNA has been modified New targets have been fixed Institutional Project budget has been revised
Status of Accreditation Done Online Registration Process and fee remittance Done Preparation of SAR No Onsite Visit of Evaluation Team to the Institute No Consideration of Evaluation Report by Evaluation Accreditation Committee No Issuance of Accreditation Status
Governance Development Plan based on review 12 Sl N o Core areas of good governance principles and practice Parameters Proposed Plan APrimary accountabilities Approval of strategic vision, mission & plan Ensure financial sustainability Monitor institutional performance Proposed to prepare strategic plan for long term. Proposed to prepare annual budget and discuss in BOG meetings. Regular evaluation of various categories and regular auditing BOpenness & Transparency in the operation Annual report on Institutional performance. Register of interest of members Annual report and register of Interest of BoG members to be maintained CKey attributes of Governing bodies BoG has been constituted as per the guidelines of statutory and regulating bodies Academic autonomy is essential for achieving long term objectives and goals DEffectiveness & performance review of BoG Regular review of effectiveness which reflects on the performance of institution Proposed to evolve a formal review of goals and targets ERegulatory compliance Ensure regulatory compliance Compliance with the not-for-profit purpose Mandatory disclosure is sent to AICTE and published on website. Compliance of university norms
Performance and Statutory Audits Two Performance audit visits completed during March 2014 and October 2014 Statutory audit completed for the period upto March 2014.
Status of Expenditure
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