Safeguarding Lucy Pearson and Steve Gallears – Safeguarding Lead “Protecting children from Maltreatment” “Ensuring children receive safe and effective care” “Preventing the impairment of children’s health and development”
Aims Developing confidence, knowledge and good practice of safeguarding of the children in your school Keeping yourself safe
Within School At least 5 Safeguarding C trained professionals Senior leadership team of the school Safeguarding officer - Sara Barcas Our SENCO who deal specifically with those with social and communications difficulties We provide annual in house training for all staff
When we become concerned A student’s behaviour is different to normal A student appearance appears different A student’s reaction to you may be different A student becomes withdrawn A different student discloses information Unexplained lateness Unexplained Absence Truancy Friendship issues All or none of these may be the result of a genuine safeguarding situation
Who should I speak with if I am concerned about a student? Line Manager Form Tutor Senior Member of Staff Safeguarding Officers
Why is this important? To ensure that students who attend the school are safe To gain further information or advice about a student To ensure that any information that you have is passed on to those who may already be working on the case
What if a child comes to you? Disclosure Information Sharing
Keeping yourself safe How do you do this inside of school? How do you do this outside of school? Social media.