Chapter 10 Vocabulary
one who wished to end slavery right away abolitionist
a private school that provides a practical education; used to describe seminaries, colleges, or high schools academy
a waterway that joins one river or body of water to another canal
a formal agreement between people or groups contract
freeing of the slaves emancipation
one who provides the funds for an undertaking financier
improvements to roads, bridges, and other transportation needs internal improvements
a state fund established in 1810 to educate the state’s children literary fund
suitable for a boat to sail on navigable
a boat that used steam power steamboat
an early school for which parents paid a fee, usually about $2 a month, to a schoolmaster to teach their children subscription school
the right to vote suffrage
a fee for the use of a road toll
a fee for instruction tuition
a road on which a toll for use is charged turnpike
a private teacher tutor