Secondary Schools PE Network Date: 8 th October 2014 Harry Cade Youth Sport Manager
/EnergizeSTW Satellite Clubs Sportivate Olympic & Paralympic Champions Links to NGB’s PE & School Sport e-Bulletin Information can be found on: (Launching new website - end of October) Support available from Energize
/EnergizeSTW Energize have funding available to start a ‘Satellite Club’ in every Secondary School in Shropshire. A Satellite Club is an expansion of a community hub club aimed at addressing a demand for a sport in a school. A Satellite Club is coached and run by the hub club. They are not like usual community club as they are aimed at those that are not yet in a position/ready to join a club. The idea is to bridge the gap between school sport and club participation. There are currently over 30 Satellite Clubs running in 23 schools across Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin. The aim is to have a Satellite Club in every secondary school in Shropshire by the end of the next academic year. The funding usually covers incentives, coaching qualifications for students, coaching fees, facility costs and marketing. All that is expected of the school is to provide intelligence around the demand for a sport, host the club and market the club to students. For more information, please contact Satellite Clubs
/EnergizeSTW Sportivate has been very popular again this year with a large uptake from Secondary Schools. Sportivate projects usually run for 6-8 weeks but must have an exit route available. Funding can be used for transport, coaches, qualifications, venue hire etc… and potentially to help fund part of the exit route options. The submission window for applications during 2014 has now closed. Project plans can now be looked at ready for submitting in February (for projects to start in April 2015). The focus for Sportivate moving forward is on projects for those aged 19-25, however where a project is aimed at female participant’s or projects with an inclusive element it can include those aged For more information or to discuss potential project plans please contact Emma Tomkins at Shropshire Council: Sportivate
/EnergizeSTW Alison Williamson MBE (six times Olympic Archer) Nick Beighton (Paralympic Rower) Danielle Brown (Double Gold Paralympic Archer) Our Champions can visit your school and offer presentations, lessons, guided activities and more. Arrangements and activities are tailored to your individual requirement. The individual visits will be charged at £80 per half day visit and £140 for a full day visit. ‘Cluster’ visits with a minimum of 3 full days will be charged at £120/day and additional half days thereafter at a further £70 each. Olympic & Paralympic Champions
/EnergizeSTW Other support/resources British Heart Foundation Make a Move Programme The BHF has launched the Make a Move Programme which helps secondary schools increase physical activity levels among students, particularly those who are inactive or have low activity levels. The programme is supported by the Make a Move toolkit which is designed for non PE specialists working in or with secondary schools and in particular teachers of PSHE. The toolkit is split into two packs: The Motivator pack: This includes eight class-based learning activity sessions – the Motivator scheme. These are designed to be used with a whole class or year group in Years 7 or 8 and delivered in either PSHE or tutor time. These activities can be used with groups of students with different activity levels. All activities use interactive methods with a teacher as a facilitator. The Activator pack: This explains how to deliver peer-mentoring – the Activator scheme. Peer mentoring uses Year 9 and 10 students as the mentors and targets Year 7 or 8 students who’ve chosen to be part of the scheme because they’re inactive or have low activity levels. The Activator scheme has six weekly one-to-one mentoring sessions, which take place at a set time and place and last around 30 minutes. The Active Club Pack The Active Club pack has been updated to provide those delivering physical activities to children and young people with simple, straightforward advice and over 100 practical activity ideas for helping children and young people become more active. Previously only accessible with training, this resource is now available to anyone working directly with children and young people, for example, teaching assistants, sports coaches, playworkers and volunteers. It is a user-friendly resource that provides an ideal starting point for those who may not have any previous experience of delivering physical activity.
/EnergizeSTW 2014 Level 3 Summer School Games (took place on 1 st July 2014) 482 competitors from 26 Secondary Schools 134 Young Leaders 11 events including 2 for SEND students A brief highlight video can be found at: Level 3 Winter School Games (will take place on 4 th March 2015) There will be 13 events including 2 for SEND students and also an IZB satellite tournament. If your school is not signed up to the School Games and would like to be involved please contact Harry Cade who can provide you with details of the School Games Organiser for your area. Sainsbury’s School Games
/EnergizeSTW The Workplace Challenge has seen over 11,700 individuals from over 2,200 workplaces get involved since its launch in 2013 and now the Challenge has come to Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin! Why sign up? It’s fun and social - Log sport, physical activity and active travel online to earn points and have a friendly competition with colleagues and other workplaces Enjoy being active – physical activity has positive effects on work performance, productivity and absenteeism It’s FREE to take part You can work out your C02 saved and miles travelled Gain recognition as one of the most active workplaces Sign up via: Workplace Challenge!