Unit III Design for Testability
Syllabus Design for Testability – Ad-hoc design – generic scan based design – classical scan based design – system level DFT approaches.
Validation and Test of Manufactured Circuits Goals of Design-for-Test (DFT) Make testing of manufactured part swift and comprehensive DFT Mantra Provide controllability and observability Components of DFT strategy Provide circuitry to enable test Provide test patterns that guarantee reasonable coverage
Design for Testability Exhaustive test is impossible or unpractical
Test Approaches Ad-hoc testing Generic Scan-based Design Classical scan Designs Problem is getting harder increasing complexity and heterogeneous combination of modules in system-on-a-chip. Advanced packaging and assembly techniques extend problem to the board level
Ad Hoc Design for Testability Techniques Test points Initialization Monostable Multivibrator Oscillators and clocks Partitioning of counters and shift registers Partitioning of large combinational circuits Logical Redundancy Global feedback paths
Test Points Method of Test Points: Block 1 is not observable, Block 2 is not controllable Block 1 Block 2 Improving controllability and observability: OP 1- controllability: CP = 0 - normal working mode CP = 1 - controlling Block 2 with signal 1 Block 1 1 Block 2 CP OP 0- controllability: CP = 1 - normal working mode CP = 0 - controlling Block 2 with signal 0 Block 1 & Block 2 CP
Test Points (contd.) Method of Test Points: 1 & CP1 CP2 MUX CP1 CP2 Block 1 is not observable, Block 2 is not controllable Block 1 Block 2 Improving controllability: Normal working mode: CP1 = 0, CP2 = 1 Controlling Block 2 with 1: CP1 = 1, CP2 = 1 Controlling Block 2 with 0: CP2 = 0 Block 1 1 & Block 2 CP1 CP2 Normal working mode: CP2 = 0 Controlling Block 2 with 1: CP1 = 1, CP2 = 1 Controlling Block 2 with 0: CP1 = 0, CP2 = 1 Block 1 MUX Block 2 CP1 CP2
Monostable Multivibrator
Oscillators and Clocks
Partitioning of Registers
Partitioning of Large Combinational circuits
Partitioning of Large Combinational circuits (contd.)
Generic scan-based Design Full Serial Integrated Scan Isolated Serial Scan Nonserial Scan
Full Serial Integrated Scan
Isolated Serial Scan
Isolated Serial Scan (contd.)
Non-serial Scan
Level-Sensitive Scan Design (LSSD)
System-Level DFT Approaches System-level Busses System-level Scan paths
System-level Busses
System-level Scan paths