1 Unit 1 Practicalities of classroom partnerships Presenter’s name XX.XX.XX
2 Develop new, more effective ways for planning and record keeping. Understand data better and how to share information as part of the learning partnership. Consider the Student Passport and how it can directly support learning and understanding within the partnership. Provide professional development opportunities. Aims of the unit
3 Does Every Child still Matter? Being healthy Staying safe Enjoying and achieving Making a positive contribution Economic wellbeing
4 What types of support are there? Discuss the types of support and styles you see in your setting: What type of support is most appropriate for what activity? Why? What skills are required?
5 What is ‘effective practice’? Effective practice in relation to TAs involves contributions that: foster the participation of learners in all aspects of learning and development – the academic and social processes of the school seek to enable learners to become more independent learners and understand their own needs help to raise standards of learning for learners and narrow gaps in attainment with peers and expectations.
6 Record keeping – not enough teaching assistants keep records – should they? Your thoughts? What do you do? Why are records important? Joint planning and record keeping always generates debate … is it possible? What can you do … and why?
7 How do you know how TAs impact on student progress and analyse whether strategies are effective? This is very important but often ‘overlooked’. A rigorous system of professional development and impact analysis must be part of whole-school systems. It is simply not good enough ‘not to know’; how can you know and what evidence do you need?
8 Daily record sheets Joint planning – is it impossible? How can you gauge progress, be more aware of learners’ capabilities with regard to their prior learning and understanding, and plan very effectively to build on these? How can you help learners understand in detail how to improve their work and ensure they are consistently supported in doing so? This is what you can do … Make sure there is a positive system linked into these outcomes – some ideas … what do you do?
9 Passports to success? Student Passport Teacher Teaching assistant Parent/ carer Student/l earner
10 Key elements of the Passport Key features of the Student Passport are: I would like you to know that … This means that … I find it difficult to … It would help me if you could … I will help myself by … Additional support … Data/information …
11 Developing your own Student Passport Thinking back to earlier in this unit: How can the Student Passport be developed for your needs? What were your priorities from earlier? How can they be reflected in a reworked Passport?
12 Further professional development Additional professional development can be found here: nd/b /send-materials-advanced Can you develop your own training plan?
13 Three things … Write down three things you are going to do or explore further … (one being the Student Passport trial). Try to do something tomorrow … then another next week … How will you measure impact and report back to colleagues in the next unit?
14 Develop new, more effective ways for planning and record keeping. Understand data better and how to share information as part of the learning partnership. Consider the Student Passport and how it can directly support learning and understanding within the partnership. Provide professional development opportunities. Reconsidering the aims of the unit
15 Confirm your action plans … Reconsider themes from the unit: o Develop new, more effective ways for planning and record keeping. o Understand data better and how to share information as part of the learning partnership. o Consider the Student Passport and how it can directly support learning and understanding within the partnership. o Provide professional development opportunities. Finally …