Monday, September 9th 2013 DAY B Warm-ups (COMPLETE IN YOUR SPIRAL NOTEBOOK): Solve by any method. 1.2X+9=5x-3 2.5(3x-3)=24x 3.2x+2 = (x-2) = 5(2x+9) Evaluate when x= x+4-x
TODAY’S AGENDA Warm-up Review Quiz #1 Talk Finish U1. “Whats My Number” Activity
What’s My Number? DAY 3 REVIEW OF GROUP ROLES – Leader/Reader: reads activity for group & reports group’s responses – Writer/Recorder: write group’s responses on white board – Questioner: ensures all group members are contributing to answering questions; this person will signal for teacher if all are stuck – Supply Runner: retrieves needed supplies & brings group displays to the front of the room
What’s My Number?– DAY 2 As class: Try These a-c Your Task: In groups, read and answer questions TRY THESE C #d-g. You will have about 10 minutes for this. Use Balancing Method
What’s My Number?– DAY 3 Your Task: In groups, read and answer questions # You will have 10 minutes to complete this task.
What’s My Number?– DAY 3 Math Properties Foldable – Commutative Property – Distributive Property – Associative Property – Subtraction Property – Addition Property – Division Property – Multiplicative Property – Identity Property (ADD vs Multiply)
What’s My Number?– DAY 3 Commutative- Switching order on one side of equal sign EX- a+b+c => a+c+b Distributive- Multiplicaton using parenthesis Ex) a(b+c) => ab +ac Associative- Rearrange parenthesis=> same operation EX) a+(b+c) = (a+b)+c
What’s My Number?– DAY 3 Addition- If you add to one side you must add to the other side Ex) if a=b then a+c=b+c Subtraction- If you subtract from one side you must subtract from the other side Ex) if a=b then a-c=b-c Multiplication- If you multiple one side you must multiply the other side Ex) if a=b then a X c=b X c
What’s My Number?– DAY 3 Division- If you divide one side you must divide the other side Ex) if a=b then a/c=b/c Identity (ADD)= Anything plus zero = that # EX) a+0 = a Identity (MULITPLY)- Anything multiplied by 1 will equal that number EX) a X 1= a
What’s My Number?– DAY 3 Your Homework “Check Understanding” #1-6