1. Ahmad T. Umam() 2. Danik() 3. Anik() 4. M.Riza Adhitama( ) 5. Berlian()
This business is move in production sector, esspecially processing and salles of grate corn with many kind of taste.this business concept sale grate corn with high quality.
Business name: JASUKE 48 Date registed: Location registed: Arround the UNNES Business structure: Sole trader
Ahmad T. Umam (owner) Angga Dwi (Marketing managemant) Anik (Employer) Danik (Employer) M.Riza Adhitama (Office manager) Berlian (Employer)
PRODUCTDESCRIPTIONPRICE JASUKE 48Jagung Serut Susu Keju 48Rp 5k JASPENIS 48Jagung Serut Pedas Manis 48Rp 4k JASEDO 48Jagung Serut Balado 48Rp 4k JASEQYU 48Jagung Serut Barbeqyu 48Rp 4k
1. First, grate sweet corn 2. The grated corn then boil into the water 3. After boiled it, then put into the pan that have spreatedof margarine 4. Next add the variant taste of customers 5. Finally grate corn is ready to serve
1. University students 2. Society arround the UNNES 3. (public)
Strengths WeaknessesOpportunitiesThreats 1.High quality 2.Achievable price 3.Many kinds of variant taste 1.Many competitors 2.Less capital 1.Many consumer1.Scarce of basic material, make sale price be more expensive 2.Many competitors are imitate our product
1. Jamur crispy 2. Ronde 3. Olos 4. Cilok and cireng 5. Leker
1. Distributed of brochure 2. Promote the product to society by sell area arround 3. Sell the product when there is big event
Vision StatementMission StatementShort Time GoalLong Time Goal 1.Make autonomous business, creative and compete. 1.Make the new chance of business in the campus environment. 2.Applythe competence that have been learned 3.Sales the product and get the provit that we wants 1.Break event points 2.Get the provit 1.Create this business to be a franchise
Basic MaterialsPrice MargarineRp White milkRp CheeseRp Cup and spoonRp Variant tasteRp EquipmentsPrice CartRp StoveRp PanRp LPGRp GrateRp PlasticRp 5.000
Sum basic materials Rp x 30 = Rp Sum equipments Rp Total cost = Rp Rp = Rp Cost/mounth = Rp Cost/day = Rp /30 = Rp
Daily target every day 50 cups JASOKE 4825 x Rp = Rp Others 25 x Rp = Rp Total Rp Provit/day = Rp – Rp = Rp Provit/mounth = Rp x 30 = Rp
BEP = Fix cost price sale – variable cost = – =35,5 36 unit
No body talks about entrepreneurship as survival, but that’s exactly what it is and nutures creative thinking. Running that first shop taught me business is not financial science, it is about trading : buy and selling (Anita Roddick, Founder of the body shop). (tidak ada yang berbicara tentang kewirausahaan sebagai kelangsungan hidup, tapi justru itu kenyataan yang mengasah pemikiran kreatif. Menjalankan toko pertama yang mengajarkan saya bisnis bukan ilmu keuangan, melainkan tentang trading: membeli dan menjual)