Copyright ©2012 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary Market Overview 2. Demographics 3. Retail Health Situation by State Agenda This analysis is part of a vegetable consumer purchase data project funded by HIA using the vegetable levy and matched funds from the Australian Government. This report captures only Fresh Vegetables and excludes processed vegetables (e.g. Fresh Sweet Corn excluding Canned Sweet Corn; Fresh Beans excluding Canned Beans).
Copyright ©2012 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. 3 Data Source – Nielsen Homescan Market – Total Australia – States of Australia – Retailers Analysis Measure – Value – Volume Periods – Last year: 52 weeks To 02/11/2013 – This year: 52 weeks To 01/11/2014 ANALYSIS PARAMETERS RESEARCH METHODOLOGY NIELSEN HOMESCAN A Panel of 10,000 Australian households Demographically and geographically representative Households electronically record their household purchases of all take-home grocery goods (fresh and packaged)
Copyright ©2012 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. 4 HIGHLIGHTS RECOMMENDATIONS Approximately half of Australian households don’t purchase Fresh Sweet Corn which highlights a big opportunity for growth. Households with no kids especially have much lower demographic reach than their Family counterparts. It would be good to understand barriers to purchase and whether these shoppers prefer the canned, frozen or packaged version of the vegetable. Emphasis can be given on Coles, Woolworths as well as Non Supermarkets to increase the value sales of Sweet Corn. Monitor prices, potential over-supply or deep promotions. Sweet Corn represents 2.0% of the value and volume market share. It’s buyer base has reduced significantly this year, however, there is rise in the spend per trip compared to last year. Families are the core buyers for Sweet Corn; they account for more volume share than their share of buyers. Only Established Couples have witnessed an increase in the number of buyers. Larger households (3 or more members) are important for Sweet Corn and account for 58% of it’s volume sales. All household sizes have witnessed buyer leakage this year. Volume sales decline this year is mainly due to the loss of sales in Woolworths, IGA and Non Supermarkets. Coles posted significant growth in terms of volume sales while Aldi performed well in both the metrics. Almost 56% Woolworths shoppers who buy Sweet Corn, prefer to purchase it at Woolworths stores, whereas this conversion rate is 53% for Coles. All states except NSW and WA have seen a decline in the consumption of Sweet Corn this year. QLD and WA are the only states who added buying households to Sweet Corn buyer base.
Copyright ©2012 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. 5 Copyright © 2014 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. Market Overview Sweet Corn
Copyright ©2014 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. 6 Share of Market Volume Over Total Vegetables Australia Share of Market Value Over Total Vegetables Australia Source: Nielsen Homescan Sweet Corn declined slightly and now represents 2.0% of the volume and value market share of total Vegetables sales this year.
Copyright ©2014 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. 7 How many Households buy annually? How much (Kg) do they buy per year? How much ($) do they spend per year? Source: Nielsen Homescan This Year Last year Sweet Corn lost 145,708 buying households this year, however, the buyers are spending more on Sweet Corn compared to last year.
Copyright ©2014 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. 8 How much ($) do they spend per occasion? How much (Kg) do they buy per occasion? How often do they buy annually? Source: Nielsen Homescan This Year Last year The rise in average spend on Sweet Corn is driven by increased spend in each trip; the shopping frequency has seen a nominal decline.
Copyright ©2014 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. 9 Source: Nielsen Homescan Kg More households are buying Sweet Corn in the latest month than the same period year ago. The volume consumption has remained the same.
Copyright ©2014 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. 10 Source: Nielsen Homescan From a value perspective, 4-weekly average dollar spend has seen a nominal rise compared to last year. However, it is normalising gradually after reaching a peak in August.
Copyright ©2014 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. 11 Source: Nielsen Homescan Inflation might have been the reason for slight rise in spend per trip on Sweet Corn, this year.
Copyright ©2014 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. 12 Demographics Sweet Corn
Copyright ©2012 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. 13 Copyright © 2014 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. LIFESTAGE SENIOR COUPLES | 2 or more adults 60+ (17.6% of population) ESTABLISHED COUPLES | 2 or more adults (22.4% of population) INDEPENDENT SINGLES | 1 adult >35 with no children (20.8% of population) YOUNG TRANSITIONALS | Adults <35 with no children (9.2% of population) BUSTLING FAMILIES | Oldest Child (14.0% of population) SMALL SCALE FAMILIES | Oldest Child 6-12 (9.6% of population) START UP FAMILIES | Oldest Child <6 (6.4% of population) HOUSEHOLD SIZE 1-2 MEMBER HOUSEHOLDS (58.7% of population) 3 MEMBER HOUSEHOLDS (15.9% of population) 4 MEMBER HOUSEHOLDS (15.6% of population) 5 MEMBER HOUSEHOLDS (9.8% of population) View your consumers according to…
Copyright ©2014 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. 14 Source: Nielsen Homescan Distribution of Buyers Australia Distribution of Volume Australia Families are significant buyers of Sweet Corn; contributing 42% of the volume sales while comprising only 36% of buyers. Established Couples & Bustling Families have increased their consumption this year.
Copyright ©2014 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. 15 How many Households buy annually? How often do they buy annually? How much (Kg) do they buy per occasion? This Year Last year Note: The difference in the bar heights for same data labels is due to the difference in decimal points. The data has been rounded up to one decimal point. Source: Nielsen Homescan Increase in Established Couples consumption is driven by an increase in buying households, number of trips and volume per trip. All other household groups have lost buyers this year.
Copyright ©2014 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. 16 Source: Nielsen Homescan Distribution of Buyers Australia Distribution of Volume Australia Larger households (3 or more members) are the key buyers for Sweet Corn, accounting for 58% of volume sales with only 49% buyers. 4- members households are buying more volume compared to year ago.
Copyright ©2014 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. 17 How many Households buy annually? How often do they buy annually? How much (Kg) do they buy per occasion? This Year Last year Note: The difference in the bar heights for same data labels is due to the difference in decimal points. The data has been rounded up to one decimal point. Source: Nielsen Homescan All household sizes have lost buyers this year. However, 4-members households have seen an increase in consumption through a combination of increased trips and volume per trip.
Copyright ©2012 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. 18 Copyright © 2014 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. Retail Health Situation by state Sweet Corn
Copyright ©2014 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. 19 Share by Retailer This year vs. Last year T. Sweet Corn Sales vs. Last year This year vs. Last year T. Sweet Corn Other Supermarkets Non Supermarkets Volume Value Source: Nielsen Homescan Sweet Corn has witnessed decline in volume sales caused by loss of sales in Woolworths and Non Supermarkets despite huge growth in Coles. Aldi posted significant growth in terms of value sales of Sweet Corn.
Copyright ©2014 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. 20 Other Supermarkets Non Supermarkets Drivers of Account Growth & Decline Year to 01/11/2014 vs Year Ago (YA) The value growth in Aldi is due to increased number of trips and rise in spend per trip. However, the number of buying households have declined across retailers.
Copyright ©2014 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. 21 Source: Nielsen Homescan Account Shopper Conversion Year to 01/11/2014| Woolworths (WW) Almost 56% of Woolworths shoppers are purchasing Sweet Corn on their shopping trips to Woolworths. This is lower rate than that of comparable vegetables like Carrots, Potatoes and Broccoli.
Copyright ©2014 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. 22 Source: Nielsen Homescan Account Shopper Conversion Year to 01/11/2014| Coles Conversion rate for Coles is lower than Woolworths with 53% of Coles shoppers buying Sweet Corn in Coles.
Copyright ©2014 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. 23 SA + NT (6%) WA (10%) VIC (24%) NSW (34%) QLD (22%) WA (10%) Average KG per Buyer Penetration This year vs. Last year ( ) State share of Sweet Corn $ sales Is there a particular state driving the category performance? Consumption of Sweet Corn has decreased across all states except NSW and WA. QLD accounts for 22% of the national spend and has the highest penetration, further increased by 19,438 households, this year. Source: Nielsen Homescan