F FNAL Hugh Montgomery Fermilab October, 2007. f October 27,28, 20062Collider International Finance Committees Organisation Issues Fermi Research Alliance.


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Presentation transcript:

f FNAL Hugh Montgomery Fermilab October, 2007

f October 27,28, 20062Collider International Finance Committees Organisation Issues Fermi Research Alliance was awarded the contract to operate Fermilab for 5 years with possibility of up to 20 years, if performance is good. FRA is partnership between U. Chicago and URA. FRA Board of directors, Chair is Bob Zimmer, President of U. Chicago. Board has 7 URA regional representatives Physics Sub-committee still exists and they organize a Physics Visiting Committee review.

f October 27,28, 20063Collider International Finance Committees Organisation Issues FY2008 Budget: As last year there is a Continuing Resolution, so the year starts as a continuation of last year, No new starts, no increases for projects on the rise. Divisions and Sections had a preview in July but we have not distributed a strawman budget, nor heard responses. In DOE OHEP, Robin Staffin has moved on to be an advisor to Ray Orbach, OHEP has Acting Head, Dennis Kovar, who was Head of Nuclear Physics for many years. We are developing a budget briefing for Dennis for Wednesday, October 31.

f October 27,28, 20064Collider International Finance Committees Long Range Planning Steering Group –Chair: Deputy Director -Young Kee Kim –Committee 50/50 Fermilab-Non Fermilab –Plan US Accelerator Based Future supporting ILC –Report in September 2007 –If ILC decision is delayed: Build 6 GeV ILC Linac 2 GeV LINAC front end Feed 8 GeV to Accelerator complex and physics Eg > 2 MW for 120 GeV protons for LBL Neutrino Program 8 GeV protons for muon and kaon program –Recommendations are under discussion by everyone –Accelerator and Physics Workshops in November

f October 27,28, 20065Collider International Finance Committees Tevatron Performance Tevatron peak and integrated luminosities

f October 27,28, 20066Collider International Finance Committees 2007 Accelerator Shutdown Accelerator work appears to have gone well Significant work on several of the machines Experiments confined efforts to remedial work –Silicon Readout recoveries –CDF Silicon Cooling system All Experimenters’ Meeting at 4 pm TODAY – Curia II

f October 27,28, 20067Collider International Finance Committees Shutdown 2007

f October 27,28, 20068Collider International Finance Committees Shutdown 2007

f October 27,28, 20069Collider International Finance Committees Shutdown 2007

f October 27,28, Collider International Finance Committees Vulnerability Review Director commissioned a review of experiment vulnerability –What can we expect to break? –With what vulnerability? –What are appropriate remedial actions? Committee –Chair: Dan Green: array of detector experts Excellent Cooperation from the experiments No Show stoppers –Need to work on preserving corporate knowledge and expertise

f October 27,28, Collider International Finance Committees Neutrino Program

f October 27,28, Collider International Finance Committees SciBooNE

f October 27,28, Collider International Finance Committees MINOS Results

f October 27,28, Collider International Finance Committees MiniBooNE Results

f October 27,28, Collider International Finance Committees Future Neutrino Experiments MINERvA –Neutrino Cross Sections –To be mounted in front of MINOS Near Detector –R&D and construction preparation is well advanced –Has full completed all CD3 requirements, awaiting ESAAB (Nov. 1 ) and start of construction NOvA –Long Baseline, Off Axis from NuMI –Enormous Far Detector –Lots of R&D and design work complete –Successfully completed CD2 Baseline review –Construction start of Road in Minesota in Spring 2008 BNL-FNAL Long Baseline Study

f October 27,28, Collider International Finance Committees P5 Committee Tevatron Running in 2009 – June 2007 –Concerned with the continued good progress of integrated luminosity The understanding of the collaboration manpower The understanding of the Laboratory support for operations –Conclusion was clearly positive Tevatron Running in 2010 – September 2007 –Wanted to see physics progress –Understand opportunity cost –Anticipated nothing new on effort front

f October 27,28, Collider International Finance Committees extrapolated from FY09 Tevatron Luminosity Delivery for Run II FY08 start Real data for FY02-FY fb fb -1 Highest Int. Lum Lowest Int. Lum FY10 start FY09 and FY10 integrated luminosities assumed to be identical

f Criteria for Tevatron Running in FY 2010 Pier Oddone September 24, 2007

f October 27,28, Collider International Finance Committees Criteria for running in 2010 Important Physics Viable Collaborations Acceptable damage to other programs

f October 27,28, Collider International Finance Committees Important Physics We explore uniquely a large variety of physics at the energy frontier until LHC detectors overtake us Sensitivity to ~160 GeV Higgs at 95% CL, opens in the next year Low mass Higgs (Standard or lowest lying MSSM Higgs below 150 GeV) is hard to reach early with the LHC

f October 27,28, Collider International Finance Committees mb -  b - nb - pb - fb Higgs Mass [GeV/c 2 ]  Total Inelastic bb WZWZ tt - - Higgs WH,ZH jets (qq, qg, gg) observed WZ, Single Top, ZZ M W ~0.05% Observed WZ, Evidence for ZZ and Single Top B s –B s Oscillation,  b Discovery + Precision Meas. M Higgs < ? GeV at 95% CL - Low Mass SUSY Road to Higgs and Beyond M top ~1.2%

f October 27,28, Collider International Finance Committees SM Higgs Searches LEP Tevatron LHC only excl. LHC

f October 27,28, Collider International Finance Committees Constraint MSSM (CMSSM) Sven Heinemeyer, Georg Weiglein With Electroweak precision measurements and cold dark matter density (WMAP, …)

f October 27,28, Collider International Finance Committees W and Top Mass, and SM Higgs Will Tevatron’s prediction and observation/exclusion agree with what LHC sees? Run II 2009

f October 27,28, Collider International Finance Committees SM Higgs Searches at Tevatron Tevatron Observed Tevatron Expected LP2007

f October 27,28, Collider International Finance Committees Important Physics From first collisions at the LHC in Summer 2008 and closure of Tevatron September 2009 is too short for LHC detectors to wipe CDF/D0 out –Any delay in putting the hardware together – no float now –Delay in first beam to collisions – only three months now –Natural time to accumulate luminosity –Debugging detector and software –Physics analysis

f October 27,28, Collider International Finance Committees Viable Collaborations The collaborations should be viable through FY2009 To ensure collaborations are viable in FY2010, we need to start working now to make sure there are enough students/post- docs and “know how” Early results from LHC could negatively impact the collaborations in 2010 if most folks were to decamp Should we be so lucky!!

f October 27,28, Collider International Finance Committees Viable Collaborations Conversely, if there are delays in getting results from LHC, the Tevatron remains exciting, producing physics for students/postdocs/faculty In the middle, there could be a horse race to the Higgs To keep collaborations viable need agency support of University groups for work at the Tevatron beyond 2010

f October 27,28, Collider International Finance Committees Acceptable damage Running in 2010 delays slightly 700kW neutrino beam capability Running in 2010 has modest impact on NOvA start-up (presently shut-down starts late 2010; physics run June 2011) Requires additional resources not to slow down the ILC R&D, Project X, or neutrino program; approximately $30M

f October 27,28, Collider International Finance Committees Conclusion We believe strongly that DOE should plan to run through FY2010 An early recommendation by P5 would help the planning effort for the lab and collaborations.

f October 27,28, Collider International Finance Committees Conclusions for IFC 2007 has been a very active year for Fermilab on every front. Accelerator and Detector Operations in 2007 were great Physics Output from Tevatron Collider is phenomenal Shutdown work was successfully accomplished Accelerator Complex is starting up With P5 we have: –Recommendation for 2009 running –Proposed running Tevatron in 2010 – decision in Looking forward to a productive 2007