NWACC Interim Report October 5, 2006
North America R&E without NWACC
NWACC Sites Surveyed Washington –U of W Tacoma –Pacific Lutheran –Univ of Puget Sound –Evergreen State Coll. –Seattle Univ. –Seattle Pacific Univ. –West Wash. Univ. –Central Wash. Univ. –Eastern Wash. Univ. Washington cont. –WSU Pullman –WSU Tri Cities –WSU Spokane –Whitman College –PNNL –WSU Vancouver
Washington Sites
Seattle Campus Sites
NWACC Sites Surveyed Oregon –Portland Comm. Coll., Cascade –Portland Comm. Coll., Rock Creek –Portland Comm. Coll., Sylvania –Reed College –Pacific University –Lewis & Clark Coll. Oregon cont. –Clark College –University of Portland –Portland State Univ. –George Fox Univ. –Linfield College –Willammette Univ. –Oregon State Univ. –Oregon Health Science Univ.
Oregon Sites
Portland Campus Sites
NWACC Sites Surveyed Idaho –University of Idaho –Boise State University –Idaho State University –Idaho National Lab
Idaho Sites
Montana Sites
Long-Haul Carriers Surveyed AT&T Level 3 Communications WilTel 360 Networks SyringaNTIOnFiberQwestNOANET Port of Whitman
Metro Carriers AboveNet Looking Glass Networks Level 3 Metro WilTel Metro ELI/Columbia Fiber Net Noelcomm
Proposed Northern Tier Backbone
NWACC Fiber Backbone Routes
4-State Network w/ Hub Sites
NWACC Logical Backbone w/ Hub Sites