Notes for research paper Kayla Riccio
Question 1 - How do realistic fiction authors hook and hold readers? Make a narrative promise Characters who appear in the beginning will turn out to be significant players in the story. The mood and tone established in the beginning foreshadow the general mood and tone of the entire story. The narrative voice will sustain itself all the way to the end. Begin at the beginning Orient your reader Open with a scene (Tapply)
How do realistic fiction writers persuade their readers? no effective public forum for recognition of new talent, and a general apathy about what the form adds to the experience of reading? If bookshops feel they can't sell new collections, then the publisher has to consider that the return on their investment will be negligible – aside from the advance given to the author for the right to publish their work, the overheads of any publication are considerable, and however much we like to think differently a publisher exists to make a profit by selling books. (“Story Thoughts”)
What is the relationship between realistic fiction and truth? The story is how you arrive at and tell the new understanding That is the trick hidden in "write what you know." Knowing isn't enough. Your job as a writer is to "make it true." the imagination using knowledge to create deeper knowledge (Ames)
What truths are best communicated through the realistic fiction genre? a good realistic fiction novel is about people, their problems, and their challenges The characters in the novel should be believable and their language and actions should be appropriate for the setting of the story and reflective of the culture and social class in which they live. readers learn a lesson or a value such as being accountable for one’s actions, or accepting the cultural, physical, or sexual differences of other people, good realistic fiction novels do not dictate specific moral and ethical beliefs. Rather, they challenge readers to learn the importance of moral and ethical behavior by drawing their own conclusions after they consider the events and facts from their personal perspectives using their own moral and ethical judgments. (“Truths in Fiction”)
How do realistic fiction authors get ideas to write a story? The changes in the character Writers get stories from stories of our lives that we fictionalize watch the world and people around them to imagine the stories that could develop. issues that matter to them personally and create a fictional story around those issues Realistic fiction often has a basis of truth.
How does an author use literary elements in realistic fiction to create meaning? First there is the element of causation, critical to legal thinking and also to fiction. In writing work that relies on verisimilitude, the reader is, implicitly or explicitly, thinking about causation. If in a scene a boy and his mother are fighting, then the mother turns around to wash a dish and the boy begins to speak sweetly, the reader will wonder--what happened? What's the reason for the change? It could be a sensory detail or a thought, but something has to be there to explain the change. And the same holds true for the sequence of events building to the turn/ shift/climax--there has to be a thread of causation leading to the change. As John Gardner says in The Art of Fiction, "When the realist's work convinces us, all effects, even the most subtle, have explicit or implicit causes. This kind of documentation, moment by moment authenticating detail, is the mainstay not only of realistic fiction but of all fiction." Then we come to the idea of specific detail-the writer must convince the reader, bombarding the reader with proof or evidence. (Schuyler)
How does one know how to base a story to create a realistic fiction novel? After having one or two good ideas, sit and start to write topics on a paper. Start creating the protagonist Decide where your creations should live. write it all down Look at the plot. Create characteristics of characters Have someone read it over (“How to write a credible fantasy story”) NOTE: I know I shouldn’t use wiki I am looking for a new CAR
What are some good realistic fiction novels that a teenager would enjoy? The twilight series Alice in Wonderland Avatar These short stories have a twist to them but they could be based on a realistic idea of life just in a less realistic way.