#R4FRC: HONORING THE PAST Leadership Shadowing Initiative Presented By Mariya Kim Region IV Membership Chair
Agenda Purpose Benefits Goals Requirements Meet your match! REB Panel –Q & A
Purpose To gain exposure to the Regional Executive Board (REB) and National Executive Board (NEB) Develop leadership skills Understand of the importance of leadership and the role it plays in NSBE To stimulate interest in running for any position on the Regional Executive Board (REB) or National Executive Board (NEB) Prepare prospective candidates for election process Identify and mentor those members who have the potential to excel in a leadership position
Goals 100% Chapter representation in the Regional Shadowing Initiative (especially interested in participation by the Chapter Executive Officers) To have 50% of those who participate to apply for Regional or National office Attend at least three (3) Regional Webinar Sessions
Benefits Leadership skill set development Enhanced networking skills Increased understanding of NSBE operations and leadership positions Participant recognition at NSBE’s Annual Convention Exclusive Behind-The-Scene Action
Administrative Zone ChairpersonVictoria Hills Vice ChairpersonJeseekia Vaughn TreasurerKrystal McDoom Programs ChairSolomon Mason SecretaryAnnDrea Butler ParliamentarianAlanna Tremble Alumni Extension ChairFrenae Smith
Telecommunications ChairDominique Hightower Publications/Public RelationsVacant Finance ChairpersonBrian Alls Conference Planning Chairperson Amanda Cooper Communications Zone Finance Zone
PCI ChairpersonHarry Kennedy RLC Chair Business Diversity Chair Ryan Snelling Academic ExcellenceRachel Montoute Membership ChairMariya Kim International ChairCourtney Regis Programs Zone Membership Zone
Requirements Eligibility: NSBE members in good standing Participants should: Have a vested interest in NSBE Commit from November 30, 2012 to March 1, 2013 Fill out self evaluation and return it to me Interview 3 Regional leaders Attend Webinar Sessions (minimum 2) and conference calls Fall Regional Conference and the Annual Convention Complete the mid-term and final evaluation for the Shadowing Initiative
Apply Online! Application is LIVE on ImPak –Name –Address –School
SI Contacts Contact your Regional Coordinators –Region 4 Membership Chair Mariya Kim: Other key contacts: –NLI Director of Leadership Development Jeremy Magruder: –NLI Chair Yael Monereau:
Tips Initiate contact Maintain communication Ask Questions! If for some reason, your executive board member is not responsive after two weeks, contact me ASAP. Prepare a summary of what you have learned and include it in your application if you chose to run for a position for the next academic year
Region IV Executive Board Administrative Zone Communications Zone Finance Zone Membership Zone Programs Zone
Questions What does your position entail? Describe a current project that you are working on. How much time do you spend a week doing NSBE related activities? What are some of your challenges you face in your position? What do you enjoy most about your position? How has being on the Region IV Executive Board impacted your professional life?
Tips for REB Members Mentor up to 3 members who express interest in shadowing Set the schedule and facilitate all meetings or conference calls with the participant Maintain communication with the participant at a rate of every two weeks, excluding major holidays Engage in discussion about your position and work with the participant in preparation for elections If the participant isn’t responsive after a period of two weeks, contact the Regional Chair Review participant’s election materials prior to National Convention if they’ve decided to run for a position on the REB
Hi Stephen, I received your Leadership Shadowing Initiative application. Attached is the toolkit that explains the program and contain scenarios that are to be completed by March 8, Contact your interested positions if you have any questions or need help with the scenarios. You and the REB Member that you are shadowing are expected to talk about your position of interest. You are responsible to make contact, so feel free to ask any questions you may have. REB Officer, please inform our member of what goes into being in your position and any tips and advice that you may have. Good luck and have fun! =)