Center for Satellite Applications and Research (STAR) Review 09 – 11 March 2010 Center for Satellite Applications and Research External Review Alfred M. Powell, Jr Director Mike Kalb Deputy Director Alfred M. Powell, Jr Director Mike Kalb Deputy Director
Center for Satellite Applications and Research (STAR) Review 09 – 11 March 2010 Two Topics Appearance of STAR as disparate projects Clarification on the ‘pull’ concept/strategy
Center for Satellite Applications and Research (STAR) Review 09 – 11 March 2010 General Rating Criteria Quality –Assess the quality of the research and development to ensure that high-quality work was and will be performed. Relevance –Assess the degree to which the research and development was and will be relevant to NOAA’s mission, priorities and of value to the Nation Performance –Assess effectiveness of accomplishments since the last review –Assess the effectiveness of the office’s plans, research and development, given the resources provided, to meet NOAA’s objectives and the needs of the nation. 3
Center for Satellite Applications and Research (STAR) Review 09 – 11 March 2010 How STAR Connects to NOAA NOAA Strategic Plan FY (link to PDF – ) Understand and predict changes in Earth’s environment and conserve and manage coastal and marine resources to meet our Nation’s economic social and environmental to PDF NOAA Strategic Plan FY (link to PDF – ) Understand and predict changes in Earth’s environment and conserve and manage coastal and marine resources to meet our Nation’s economic social and environmental to PDF NOAA’s 20-Year Research Vision NOAA Research Council 20-Year Research Vision (link to PDF – )link to PDF Provide the public with easy-to-use, integrated products and information services that will vastly improve the way Americans lead their daily lives and the nation manages its natural resources. NOAA’s 20-Year Research Vision NOAA Research Council 20-Year Research Vision (link to PDF – )link to PDF Provide the public with easy-to-use, integrated products and information services that will vastly improve the way Americans lead their daily lives and the nation manages its natural resources. NOAA’s 5-Year Research Plan NOAA Research Council 5-Year Research Plan (link to PDF – )link to PDF Support mission goal areas Identified in NOAA Strategic Plan – Ecosystems, Climate, Weather and Water, and Commerce and Transportation — while underscoring the importance of research that cuts across traditional disciplinary boundaries. NOAA’s 5-Year Research Plan NOAA Research Council 5-Year Research Plan (link to PDF – )link to PDF Support mission goal areas Identified in NOAA Strategic Plan – Ecosystems, Climate, Weather and Water, and Commerce and Transportation — while underscoring the importance of research that cuts across traditional disciplinary boundaries. NESDIS Strategic Plan (link to PDF – )link to PDF Leverage unique role as leaders, innovators, and integrators to support NOAA in achieving an integrated Earth observation and data management system. NESDIS Strategic Plan (link to PDF – )link to PDF Leverage unique role as leaders, innovators, and integrators to support NOAA in achieving an integrated Earth observation and data management system. STAR Strategic Plan (link to PDF – )link to PDF Provide NOAA with scientific research and development to accelerate the transition of state-of-the-art satellite products, data systems, and services to operations or use by land, atmosphere, ocean, & climate user communities. STAR Strategic Plan (link to PDF – )link to PDF Provide NOAA with scientific research and development to accelerate the transition of state-of-the-art satellite products, data systems, and services to operations or use by land, atmosphere, ocean, & climate user communities. STAR Program Plan STAR Roadmap (link to PDF – )link to PDF STAR Program Plan STAR Roadmap (link to PDF – )link to PDF STAR Division Roadmaps (last revised 2006) SMCDSOCDCoRP STAR Division Roadmaps (last revised 2006) SMCDSOCDCoRP STAR Research Project Plans The 2007 version of these plans is available internally, but a redacted version will be publicly available for the 2010 plans. STAR Research Project Plans The 2007 version of these plans is available internally, but a redacted version will be publicly available for the 2010 plans. NESDIS Strategic Satellite Plan (December 2007) NESDIS Strategic Satellite Plan (December 2007) Satellite Flyout Schedule (December 2007, web link)web link) Satellite Flyout Schedule (December 2007, web link)web link) JCSDA Roadmap ( web & PDF) web & PDF JCSDA Roadmap ( web & PDF) web & PDF JCSDA Strategic Plan (FY link to PDF) link to PDF) JCSDA Strategic Plan (FY link to PDF) link to PDF) JCSDA Program Plan JCSDA Operating Plan (FY link to PDF) link to PDF JCSDA Operating Plan (FY link to PDF) link to PDF 4
Center for Satellite Applications and Research (STAR) Review 09 – 11 March 2010 NOAA Research Context (from NOAA’s 5-Year Research Plan) US / IEOS Societal Benefits 1.Improve Weather Forecasting 2.Reduce Loss of Life and Property from Disasters 3.Protect and Monitor Our Ocean Resource 4.Understand, Assess, Predict, Mitigate, & Adapt to Climate Variability and Change 5.Support Sustainable Agriculture and Forestry and Combat Land Degradation 6.Understand the Effect of Environmental Factors on Human Health and Well-Being 7.Develop the Capacity to Make Ecological Forecasts 8.Protect and Monitor Water Resources 9.Monitor and Manage Energy Resources NOAA Research Questions 1.What factors, human and otherwise, influence ecosystem processes and impact our ability to manage marine ecosystems and forecast their future state? 2.What is the current state of biodiversity in the oceans, and what impacts will external forces have on this diversity and how we use our oceans and coasts? 3.What are the causes and consequences of climate variability and change? 4.What improvements to observing systems, analysis approaches, and models will allow us to better analyze and predict the atmosphere, ocean, and hydrological land processes? 5.How are uncertainties in our analyses and predictions best estimated and communicated? 6.How can the accuracy and warning times for severe weather and other high-impact environmental events be increased significantly? 5 STAR’s research reflects NOAA’s research questions, societal benefits and priorities
Center for Satellite Applications and Research (STAR) Review 09 – 11 March 2010 Supporting NOAA’s Goals 6 Weather & Water ClimateEcosystems Commerce & Transportation Mission Support STAR’s external review presentations are organized by the goal themes and targets associated satellite applications
Center for Satellite Applications and Research (STAR) Review 09 – 11 March 2010 Presentation Organization Presentation –Opening ties to program priorities – RELEVANCE –Science material – QUALITY & PERFORMANCE –Closing slide - NOTIONALLY ADDRESS NEXT STEPS Apparently, this approach gives the impression have disjointed efforts – In fact, we were trying to show breadth of satellite data use in each goal area
Center for Satellite Applications and Research (STAR) Review 09 – 11 March 2010 Relationship Between STAR and NOAA STAR DOMAIN EXPERTISE AREAS CLIMATEWx & WaterECOSYSTEMSC & T
Center for Satellite Applications and Research (STAR) Review 09 – 11 March 2010 Board Member Comments from Yesterday STAR needs to adopt a ‘pull’ model or a model where ‘pull-push’ is balanced
Center for Satellite Applications and Research (STAR) Review 09 – 11 March STAR The Funding Process President’s Request DOC/OMB NOAA Budget PPBES / Goal Teams STAR Congress NOAA/NESDIS Budget Office Other Agencies DOD, NASA. DOE. etc STAR Base Funds NESDIS Funded Proposals “Other NOAA Funds” “Externally Funded Proposals” NOAA Programs USWRP, Coral, Carbon, Climate, etc STAR Base: NESDIS Pgms: NOAA Pgms: Other: TOTAL: Typical STAR Budget $18M $ 5M $ 10M $ 50M NESDIS Program Offices OSD, GOES-R, IPO. PSDI/GSDI,GIMPAP etc We are the only NESDIS office where 2/3 of our funds must be competed for.
Center for Satellite Applications and Research (STAR) Review 09 – 11 March 2010 STAR Monitors Itself Work with the Center for Innovation at U of Maryland Jerry Hage and Jonathan Mote –Gretchen Jordan We not only research ideas and concepts but we are also the topic of research –Paper on STAR research
Center for Satellite Applications and Research (STAR) Review 09 – 11 March 2010 From Mote and Hage Paper