GE 102—Agenda Week 1 1.Introduction to the class— Syllabus & Requirements Research and Collegiality a. Primary Sources b. Secondary Sources
2.What does it mean to analyze art? QUICKWRITE: Define Artist. Links to descriptive words for art: Link to PDF Chart: What Constitutes Art:
Link to Lascaux Links to Keith Haring
Form for analysis: WebRevArt_Analysis_Rubric_Broudy.htm
3. How does society use art? Art Statements: Tolstoy: Sustainable arts: Yahoo dialog: JSTOR (source info here—you need to log in at library): QUICKWRITE: Who is the person who has had the greatest influence on your art so far? Describe this influence and include a drawing.
4.Who analyzes art? Where and why do they do it? Links for how to:
5. Who says what art means? Business: Gallery statement: A personal statement: Ancestral art:
6. Components of a formal research paper—APA Style pp ) Title Page 2) Abstract 3) Text of paper including: Method, Results, Discussion, References 4) Notes are parenthetical 5) Reference List, including all in-text citations
HW for Week 2: Read pp in text; Study for quiz next week; Select three possible paper topics and bring them, typed to class; Locate and bring in print/review analysis of a designer or piece of work in your major from a magazine/newspaper/web source and remember to bring author/source info. Preferred: Find an analysis that makes a comparison. Copy out the “Form for Analysis” from the link under #2 above or you can handwrite it. Note: DO NOT USE WIKIPEDIA. You must have an author.
7. Learning Log #1 At least two full paragraphs: 1)Explain what you will take away from this class today— Ideas, facts, techniques, tips, content 2)What questions did this week make you ask? What is your answer at this time?