T 2.3 Follow up to Conferences Leonardo Piccinetti, EFB FORESTA Project Meeting Brasilia, 20 September 2011.


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Presentation transcript:

T 2.3 Follow up to Conferences Leonardo Piccinetti, EFB FORESTA Project Meeting Brasilia, 20 September 2011

Primary Objectives of Follow up Activities Make the policy dialogue sustainable so that it will continue after the conference; Make sure that the people involved will continue to feed ideas to their governments and the other stakeholders; With the final objective of supporting an improved S&T cooperation between the EU and their governments and between EU and LA entities engaged in S&T research

Secondary Objectives of Follow up Activities Ensure the creation of a sustainable brokerage to provide a forum for stakeholders who are interested in S&T cooperation; Find prospective partners and discuss potential projects before putting together a consortium to submit a proposal for funding under a national programme or under the EU’s FP7 or other international programme

Method options of driving the follow-up The EU and the national government agree and fund a follow-up to the FORESTA project which would build on, improve with lessons learned and formalise the follow-up activity with a view to it being taken over by a nationally-funded and nationally-driven body in the medium-long-term; An influential body or person is found at national level in the target country to champion the FORESTA follow-up and drive it forward. –One of the two or a combination of both options

Thematic Working Groups The moderator of the Thematic Working Group will be required to stimulate a discussion of the possible follow-up activities which could be implemented in the national context with a view to recommendations being made by the Thematic Working Group for discussion and amendment/adoption at the ensuing plenary session. The moderator will try and find within the Thematic Working Group a person or organisation either to lead directly or to act as a champion to drive forward the follow-up activities.

The recommendations should include: What the follow-up activity will consist of What the purpose of the group is, discussion of issues, problems and opportunities concerning national policy in S&T research, expected output in terms of recommendations, study papers, etc.; Whether this will be a new group, an existing group or a sub- group of an existing body; Who will and should be represented in the group (i.e. ministries for science & technology / industry, research associations, SMEs, etc.) The moderator might also seek some ideas about how a national brokerage could be established to facilitate contacts among persons and entities wishing to engage in research and seeking partners to cooperate with nationally and internationally

D 2.8 Report on Follow up Activities EFB: Task Leader Due: M24 Will summarise the activities performed in the follow up to conferences, highlighting: –Experience in implementing existing bilateral agreements between the LA Countries where the conference was held and individual EU countries; –Definition of possible topics for future SICAs and other calls; –Creation of policy documents outlining and recommending actions to be taken to assist S&T research nationally and internationally via cooperation and otherwise, suggesting new areas for cooperation and funding, etc.; –How to bring together scientists from the EU and LA to enhance their scientific networks and create partnering brokerage opportunities; –How to inform stakeholders about on funding possibilities within the EU’s FP7 (including specific information on upcoming calls) and other international funding programmes in S&T which could involve Latin American countries. –Best Practices Identification

D 2.8 – Indicative Index Introduction Executive Summary Methodology Foresta Policy Workshops Follow up –Colombia –Chile –Argentina –Mexico –Brazil Foresta Concertation Workshop Follow up Foresta Final Conference Follow up Conclusions Annexes

Policy Conferences Block COCL AR MXBR Common Challenges/Obstacles Future Opportunities SynergiesComplementarities MATRIX TOPICS Future Internet E Government Internet of things TOPICS ICT for social inclusion ICT for Health Living Labs ITS TOPICS To be extracted from the local priorites TOPICS Infrastructures Future Internet E Health TOPICS E Inclusion Future Internet Smart Cities

D 2.8 State of the Art and Timetable Working phasesTimetable Participation and engagement in Policy Conferences (CL, MX, AR, BR) Concluded Analysis of Reports of Conferences Ongoing MX – not yet submitted final version BR – submission date to be defined Outline of D 2.8 structure and content Ongoing D 2.8 First Draft – Policy Conferences Block To be submitted: 31 st of October One week for revision D 2.8 Second Draft – Concertation Workshop Block To be submitted: 18 th November One week for revision D 2.8 Third Draft – Final Conferences Block To be submitted: 10th December One week for revision D 2.8 Final Submission 19 th of December Summary Extract for Dissemination 29 th of December