Salem, McCarthy, and Modern-day Witch Hunts (And maybe a little social commentary, too)
Salem Witch Hunts What is true in The Crucible? What of the alleged affair? How many people died? How many were accused? Did Tituba really exist? Were the girls really dancing naked?
The Truth Shall Be Revealed: Sorry…no affair took place Nearly 20 men and women were put to death (5 others died in jail) Approx. 150 people were accused Tituba definitely was a real person Naked dancing is a fallacy
So what really happened? Started in January of 1692 Extremely wet winter The young girls had various maladies Hallucinations, vomiting, severe muscle spasms, crawling of the skin, delusions, and more Religious community began to point fingers People became afraid and suspicious
Martyrs Those who were first accused (including Sarah Good and Sarah Osborne) decided it was wrong to admit guilt—even though it would save their lives Others eventually stood up to the courts and the trials ended in October, 1692
What was to blame? Experts now think that the girls’ symptoms came from a reaction to a rye fungus that creates LSD like effects (similar to what the girls experienced) The wet winter and dry summer (which are documented) would explain the emergence and disappearance of the symptoms
Arthur Miller Background Interesting Facts His own experience
About the Author Grew up in a wealthy NY family until the 1929 Stock Market Crash Began working to help family make ends meet Ended up attending University of Michigan and studying Journalism before switching to English
More on Arthur Became a well-known and respected author and playwright during the 1940s Also became a suspected member of the Communist Party After working on “Death of a Salesman,” Miller and other actors and actresses were accused of Communism by the film’s director, Elia Kazan
Communists Affects House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) began investigation Miller began his own investigation in Salem Miller also eventually found an interesting romance during this time…
Miller’s Love Life Yes…It is true. Miller and Marilyn were married for several years before getting a divorce. She even risked her career when he went before HUAC.
Miller a Communist? When HUAC subpoenaed him: Found guilty Fined $500 Sentenced to 30 days prison Blacklisted Still refused to name other people Conviction overturned in 1958 because HUAC committee chair “misled” Miller
Sen. Joe McCarthy Republican Sen. from Wisconsin (had a difficult time gaining office) In the 1950s, McCarthy started accusing people of Communism in the State Dept. Often failed to have concrete evidence
The Investigations Continue McCarthy looked for more support when Republicans took over control in 1953 Little support was found McCarthy was openly denounced Lost momentum in 1954 Censured by a vote (67-22)
Implications Blacklists Modern-day Witch Hunts Suspicious Minds
Witch Hunts A political campaign launched to investigate people or activities that might be subversive to the state or local governing board Famous witch hunts: Holocaust, McCarthy Era, Japanese Internment Camps,
Social Commentary Rebelling against an individual or a group of people using rhetorical means Attempt to implement change by informing the public Commonly practiced in all forms of communication (written and spoken)