The beginning of WWII Pearl Harbor 1942 Japanese- Americans were taken to internment camps 1945 End of WWIITule Lake internment camp closed 1946 Timeline
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Clip Art
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"American History - Decade " Lone Star College-Kingwood Library Home Page. Web. May "Children of the Camps | INTERNMENT HISTORY." PBS. Web. May History on the Net Group, Nov Web. May "Japanese-American Relocation — Articles, Video, Pictures and Facts." The History Channel — Home Page. Web. May "Japanese Relocation During World War II." National Archives and Records Administration. Web. May "Japanese-American Internment Camps During WWII." Marriott Library - The University of Utah. Web. May “Oppenheim, Joanne. Dear Miss Breed : True Stories of the Japanese American Incarceration during World War II and a Librarian Who Made a Difference. New York: Scholastic, Print.