Slide 3-1 Chapter 3 Terms Electronic Commerce and Internet Technologies Introduction to Information Systems Judith C. Simon
Slide 3-2 "Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction or translation of this work beyond that permitted in Section 117 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act without the express written permission of the copyright owner is unlawful. Request for further information should be addressed to the Permissions Department, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. The purchaser may make back-up copies for his/her own use only and not for distribution or resale. The Publisher assumes no responsibility for errors, omissions, or damages, caused by the use of these programs or from the use of the information contained herein."
Slide 3-3 Chapter 3 Terms Review ä Browser: software used with World Wide Web to locate desired information software used with World Wide Web to locate desired information ä Commercial online service: an organization that provides various electronic communications capabilities or services for a fee an organization that provides various electronic communications capabilities or services for a fee ä Communications software: provides instructions to hardware for transmission of data from one computer to another provides instructions to hardware for transmission of data from one computer to another
Slide 3-4 Chapter 3 Terms Review ä Domain name system (DNS): system that manages the Internet host names so that no duplicates occur system that manages the Internet host names so that no duplicates occur ä Electronic commerce: use of Internet technology and Web pages for conducting business use of Internet technology and Web pages for conducting business ä Electronic data interchange (EDI): use of computer with communications capabilities to exchange data between businesses use of computer with communications capabilities to exchange data between businesses
Slide 3-5 Chapter 3 Terms Review ä Electronic eavesdropping: accessing messages intended for someone else, without authorization accessing messages intended for someone else, without authorization ä Electronic mail ( ): messages sent from one computer to one or more other computers, with each recipient and sender having a separate mailing address (mailbox) messages sent from one computer to one or more other computers, with each recipient and sender having a separate mailing address (mailbox) ä Emoticon: keyboard-constructed icon used in to indicate the writer’s intended feelings keyboard-constructed icon used in to indicate the writer’s intended feelings
Slide 3-6 Chapter 3 Terms Review ä Extranet: use of Internet technology for communications with organizations in which data must access internal intranets use of Internet technology for communications with organizations in which data must access internal intranets ä FAQs: frequently asked questions; widely used with Usenet newsgroups frequently asked questions; widely used with Usenet newsgroups ä File transfer protocol (FTP): a method of transferring files from one computer to another
Slide 3-7 Chapter 3 Terms Review ä Firewall: security method for preventing unauthorized access into an organization’s intranet security method for preventing unauthorized access into an organization’s intranet ä Home page: initial or introductory page for a particular type of World Wide Web information, with options that are linked to further information on a chosen topic initial or introductory page for a particular type of World Wide Web information, with options that are linked to further information on a chosen topic ä Host: a computer with two-way access to other computers in a network a computer with two-way access to other computers in a network
Slide 3-8 Chapter 3 Terms Review ä Hypertext Markup Language (HTML): coding method used to provide links from one location to another on the World Wide Web coding method used to provide links from one location to another on the World Wide Web ä Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP): protocol used for transferring from one location to another while using the World Wide Web protocol used for transferring from one location to another while using the World Wide Web ä Intranet: use of Internet technology for communications within an organization use of Internet technology for communications within an organization
Slide 3-9 Chapter 3 Terms Review ä Internet: an international network of networks an international network of networks ä Internet service provider (ISP): organization that provides access to the Internet but does not provide any other special services to subscribers organization that provides access to the Internet but does not provide any other special services to subscribers ä Mailing list: a form of discussion possible by sending messages to addresses of people who have put their addresses on the electronic list a form of discussion possible by sending messages to addresses of people who have put their addresses on the electronic list
Slide 3-10 Chapter 3 Terms Review ä Netiquette: guidelines for appropriate procedures to use when contributing to a newsgroup guidelines for appropriate procedures to use when contributing to a newsgroup ä Newsgroup: interactive computer discussion group on any of a wide range of topics interactive computer discussion group on any of a wide range of topics ä Protocol: set of rules for transferring data set of rules for transferring data ä Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP): protocols used for Internet activities as well as intranet and extranet activities protocols used for Internet activities as well as intranet and extranet activities
Slide 3-11 Chapter 3 Terms Review ä Telecommuting: using a home computer with communications capabilities so that the work results travel to the office while the employee stays at home using a home computer with communications capabilities so that the work results travel to the office while the employee stays at home ä Teleworking: similar to telecommuting; sometimes used to refer to situations in which employees may be working at a variety of locations other than their homes and sending their work to the office electronically similar to telecommuting; sometimes used to refer to situations in which employees may be working at a variety of locations other than their homes and sending their work to the office electronically ä Uniform Resource Locator (URL): address of an Internet location, such as a specific Web page address of an Internet location, such as a specific Web page
Slide 3-12 Chapter 3 Terms Review ä Username (user ID): the identifying name of a computer user, which serves as part of the person’s address the identifying name of a computer user, which serves as part of the person’s address ä Virtual office: capability of conducting business and appearing to be working in an office without actually being there capability of conducting business and appearing to be working in an office without actually being there ä Web site: group of pages for one overall purpose or organization
Slide 3-13 Chapter 3 Terms Review ä World Wide Web (WWW, or “Web”): software that simulates a web by using hypertext, which involves links to data that can be stored at many other locations worldwide; it also uses hypermedia, such as sound, images, and/or animation
Slide 3-14