Monthly Special Education Coordinator Meeting November 18, 2013
Agenda Thank you Updates –Onsite Audit Transfer Reminders Data, Data, Data, and… more Data –Progress Reports –Present Levels/Findings –Accommodations and Services LRE Calendar
Thanks to all IEPs are looking significantly better –Data –Content Schools are serving students with a wide variety of needs across disability categories. When problems are identified, schools are handling them quickly and efficiently.
General Updates SC Department of Education Onsite Monitoring –Thanks to all for your hard work in correcting issues. –We’re going through the IEPs and documentation submitted and will be providing feedback.
Transfer reminders Have a process in place to check the status of every transfer into the school. After verifying the child is transferring in with a current IEP (no more than 4 months expired), contact the parent about holding the comparable services IEP meeting. Option A: typical face-to-face IEP meeting to discuss “comparable services” –Requires letter of invite –Comparable services consultation meeting form –Minutes –PWN Option B: if LEA and parents agree, meet without “meeting” –Requires comparable services consultation without a meeting form
Transfers After holding this meeting, go into Excent, and officially “add” as a transfer. Within 30 calendar days from the 1 st day of enrollment, an IEP team will need to meet again to either: –accept the IEP, –amend the transfer IEP (BASED ON DATA COLLECTED), or –conduct an annual review. Upload all info into Excent
Transfers - ISPs Students who are homeschooled or parentally-placed in a private school and who have been determined eligible for special education services by their resident district will have an Individual Services Plan (ISP). Within 5 days of enrollment, for a student who transfers in with a current or no more than 4 months expired ISP, hold a comparable services meeting (just like you would for a current transfer IEP) and implement services comparable to those in the ISP.
Transfers - ISPs Because the previous LEA is responsible for providing equitable services and not a FAPE, you will conduct a reevaluation planning meeting at the same time as the comparable services meeting to review existing information, including but not limited to, the most recent evaluation/reevaluation from the previous district, any draft IEP developed by the previous district, and the ISP, and to determine what additional information, if any, is needed in order to develop and implement a new IEP.
Transfers - ISPs Within 15 calendar days from the conclusion of the gathering of the additional data, you will conclude the reevaluation process and develop a new IEP for the child. When a child transfers with an ISP, eligibility has already been established in the previous district.
Transfers - ISPs Request most recent evaluation/reevaluation from district of residence Within 5 days of enrollment, hold comparable services meeting and Reevaluation planning meeting Within 15 days of reevaluation planning meeting, hold reevaluation determination and develop IEP
Present Levels Current baseline data that describe the student’s strengths and needs within the disability category and that are directly tied to the annual goals. Here is where we are now and here is where we want to be by the end of the IEP.
Progress Reports “May meet annual goal by the end of the year” But how do you know this? Ideally you’ll repeat your baseline measurement at least each 9 weeks to monitor progress.
Example –Baseline data for reading fluency is currently reading 62 wpm on a 3 rd grade reading passage. –Annual goal is to read 114 wpm by the end of the year. –Administer a 3 rd grade reading CBM every 4 weeks and chart progress.
Progress monitoring Must have data to back up your statements
Accommodations and Services Documentation Documentation of indirect services –Log Documentation of direct services Documentation of accommodations provided –Sign-in sheet –Initialed tests
LRE – Section IX For any child who is receiving a special education service, there is an assumption to be made. It’s assumed that the child is missing something to receive special education (or related services). This is even true for a HS child who are taking academic support (for an elective credit) in place of an elective.
LRE and Section IX Samples: –Elementary Child Receiving Speech or “ typical resource:” Other is checked –The student is receiving insert the service here and this will be delivered during X regular education class. –Elementary/Middle Child Receiving a subject related resource during that particular regular education class (i.e. Math resource during math class). Math is checked (but if the child was math and speech (or any related service), you would need to check “other” as well and see statement above. –HS child taking academic support for an elective credit: Electives is checked: –The student is enrolled in a period of Study Skills, Learning Strategies (whatever you call the SPED class) in lieu of general ed elective.
LRE – Section IX (Virtual Schools) Final Sample: –The child (virtual setting) isn’t “missing anything” or having anything “replaced,” but is taking a support class in addition to his typical schedule. We think checking “nothing” is appropriate, but we are seeking an interpretation of this from the SCDE.
Child Count Assurance On Wednesday, we will give to the school leaders the list of students showing as active on the 10/22/13 Child Count (formally Dec 1 count) along with an assurance that needs to be signed by the school leader. These assurances are due back to Zenobia no later than noon on Monday, November 25, They can be returned via (scanned) or fax. Questions, ask Zenobia.
Upcoming Dates Monday, November 25: child count assurances due Monday, December 9, 2013 is next Coordinators’ Meeting Thursday, January 16, 2014 is the face-to-face Coordinators’ Meeting
Looking Forward to January What does it really mean when a child enrolls? What kind of responsibility does that mean? Lessons learned from OCR, and the SCDE.