Christmas Trivia By: Troyal Yosko
Who Stop Frosty the Snowman from his walk in Frosty the Snowman? KKKKids AAAA dog PPPPolice man SSSSanta clause
On the first day of Christmas what did she get in the First Day of Christmas? A Partridge in a pear tree A Golden Ring A Drummer A pokemon card
Who is heat misers mother in A Day Without a Santa Clause Cold Miser Mother Nature Mrs. Santa Clause Heat master
Why was baby new year upset and ran away in Happy Christmas and New Year? Little size Big ears He was fat He was skinny
Why do you got to watch out in the song you better watch out SSSSanta going around the world PPPPresents are coming SSSSanta clause is coming to town SSSSanta is coming in your house
Who is the most famous reindeer? DDDDonnor PPPPrancer VVVVixon RRRRudolph
What does one of the elf's in Rudolph red nose reindeer want to be DDDDoctor DDDDentist BBBBaseball player AAAA bird
What does the kid give the bird lover lady for Christmas in home alone 2 LLLLove RRRRing FFFFriendship Necklace FFFFriendship dove
What does Santa clause have in his magical sack PPPPresents SSSStolen money FFFFood AAAAnother hidden world
What is placed on the Christmas tree Flowers Food Ornaments chairs
What does Santa do to get up the chimney eeeeat cookies SSSSing a song DDDDance RRRRub his nose
What is the first present giving in the polar express food A silver bell A dog Xbox 360
What did frosty have on his head MMMMagical hat GGGGhetto hat BBBBaseball hat TTTTop hat ever
In the Christmas story what did everyone say to the kid that wanted a gun To young You cant shoot You’ll shoot your eye out Never say you want one again
what do the elves make TTTToys FFFFood PPPPlanets ppppeople