Sequential Order
Statement of Importance Ordering the events of a passage in sequence is an important reading skill that you will use across the curriculum and in everyday life.
Across the Curriculum Goals: Math – Solving problems in sequential format Social Studies – Learning sequential events in history Language Arts – Writing a “How To” paragraph by placing steps in sequence Science – Proving a scientific experiment by using sequential steps
Definition: Sequential order describes the way that events follow one another in a story or passage. Signal Words in the passage might include time-order words such as now, when, after,while and during. You will learn to place events in sequential order even though some of them may be described in the passage as having already happened.
Steps to Determining Sequential Order: Read the passage first. Consider how the sequence of the details relate even if the events are given out of order. Highlight and number the events in the correct order. Reread the events in the order in which you wrote them, to ensure that they make sense and follow the order of the passage.
Brainstorm to think of the different ways you could make a snowman.