Updating TPACK with Online Learning Tools Sharon Gallagher Stacey Baker Stephanie Gisriel Jaime Julis Scott Kotarides Nicholas Schiner Tricia Stokes
Picture of classroom
Activity Types Harris & Hoffer, (2009) Harris, J., & Hofer, M. (2009). Instructional planning activity types as vehicles for curriculum-based TPACK development. In C. D. Maddux, (Ed.). Research highlights in technology and teacher education 2009 (pp ). Chesapeake, VA: Society for Information Technology in Teacher Education (SITE).
TPACK this Activity Read aloud Close their eyes and visualize what the see Talk about what they see Model illustrating Make connections to the text Cite text to support answers Voki, VoiceThread
Nick Schiner Activity TypeBrief Description Possible Technologies Suggested Technologies Create a Timeline Students sequence events on a printed or electronic timeline or through a Web page or multimedia presentation Timeliner, PhotoStory, Word, BubbleShare Timetoast.com Woodbridge Elementary GT Fourth/Fifth Grade Teacher Baltimore, MD
Stephanie Gisriel Activity TypeBrief Description Possible Technologies Suggested Technologies Do a Presentation or Demonstration Students present or demonstrate laboratory or research findings, or other course learning Presentation software, video, document camera, podcast, video, moviemaking software VoiceThread Riderwood and Orems Elementary School Technology Integration Teacher Baltimore, MD
Jaime Julis Activity TypeBrief Description Possible Technologies Suggested Technologies Recognize a pattern Students examine a pattern presented to them and attempt to understand the pattern better. Graphing calculators, virtual manipulative sites, spreadsheets ov/nceskids/crea teAgraph/default.aspx Arbutus Elementary School Third Grade Teacher Baltimore, MD
Stacey Baker Activity TypeBrief Description Possible Technologies Suggested Technologies Publishing Students publish their writing for peers/others Word processing, drawing software, video creation software, multimedia software, podcasting, digital storytelling, online publishing sites Flip video, Movie Maker, VoiceThread Arbutus Elementary School Third Grade Teacher Baltimore, MD
Scott Kotarides Activity TypeBrief Description Possible Technologies Suggested Technologies Collaborate Students work together to accomplish a common goal Google Documents Online poster, Online communities Lino It, PB Works/Wiki spaces, Edmoto, Collaborize, Social Networks Sollers Point High School Social Studies Baltimore, MD
Tricia Stokes