THEIERE meeting, Gdansk, June 2003 THEIERE partners and EAEEIE members Club EEA Commissions for teaching & International Relationships TASK 1: European Curricula in Electrical and Information Engineering
THEIERE meeting, Gdansk, June 2003 Plan THEIERE website Content of the monograph The portal Way to disseminate (4th year of THEIERE?)
THEIERE meeting, Gdansk, June 2003 Slight reorganisation Meetings/ Documents Lappeenranta
THEIERE meeting, Gdansk, June 2003 Plan THEIERE website Content of the monograph The portal Way to disseminate (4th year of THEIERE?)
THEIERE meeting, Gdansk, June 2003 Content of the monograph Proposition of plan 1st part : Introduction and generalities 2nd part: Overview per country 3rd part: General synthesis Appendix A: List of institutions in the field of EIE in each country Appendix B: List of degrees in EIE in each country
THEIERE meeting, Gdansk, June st part Presentation –Word of president of EAEEIE (av.), word of president of Club EEA (On the way), 1. Introduction/Contents (av.) (extracts from papers of MJM/JMT in the York and Gdansk conf.) 2. Electrical and Information Engineering: outline of a disciplinary field (see overview per country) 3. Actual implementation of the 358 scheme in Europe (see Hamed Yahoui) 4. Some documents about 358 (av.) –Curricular Convergence in Higher Education (A. Garcia…) –The Bologna Process and Its Implementation In Germany A Critical Review (M. Hoffmann) –Passport to the ICT Industry - a PanICT project output (A. Ward) 1st part : Introduction and generalities 2nd part: Overview per country 3rd part: General synthesis Appendix A Appendix B P. Lappalainen
THEIERE meeting, Gdansk, June nd part 1. AT: Österreich => 26. UK: United Kingdom General information »Description of the system in the country – Electrical and Information Engineering in the country, borders of the academic field –10.1.2Accreditation of the degrees and contents vs. Content, degrees and accreditations »Who is responsible (Ministry, universities by themselves, regional level, specific commissions (CTI) »Accreditation procedures –10.1.3Implementation of the Bologna BMD system in the country 10.2 Figures on the weight of EIE in the country 10.3Degrees in EIE in the country 10.4References 1st part : Introduction and generalities 2nd part: Overview per country 3rd part: General synthesis Appendix A Appendix B
THEIERE meeting, Gdansk, June rd part Europe –1. General information »1.1 Electrical and Information Engineering in the country, borders of the academic field »1.2Pedagogical content of the curricula »1.3Implementation of the system in the country »1.4 References –2 Figures on the weight of EIE in the country –3Degrees in EIE in the country References Persons who have participated in this work (general acknowledgement) 1st part : Introduction and generalities 2nd part: Overview per country 3rd part: General synthesis Appendix A Appendix B Reviewer?
THEIERE meeting, Gdansk, June 2003 European scheme in Electrical and Information Engineering? Technician (ss+2) Bachelor (ss+3) –Industrial or professional bachelor –Theoretical bachelor –"pseudo-"bachelor (part of a monolithic master) Intermediate (ss+4) –Long industrial bachelor or univ. of applied sciences/polytechnics (FH) Master (ss+5) –Industrial or professional –Engineer (ind./pro. + a specific title) –Research Ph. D. Habilitation
THEIERE meeting, Gdansk, June 2003 Appendices A & B Appendix A: List of institutions in the field of EIE in the country –http address Appendix B: List of existing degrees in the field of EIE –Technician level –Bachelor level (3 years, industrial or theoretical, –Intermediate level (4 years, "long" bachelor, FH…) –Master (pro, res, ing) 1st part : Introduction and generalities 2nd part: Overview per country 3rd part: General synthesis Appendix A Appendix B
THEIERE meeting, Gdansk, June 2003 Technician level Are the technician levels concerned with the 358 reflection? Does it exist YES/NO Are there inside/outside universities (where)? Are there inside/outside HE institutions? Gateway to integrate other degrees (bachelor, FH, master)?
THEIERE meeting, Gdansk, June 2003 Present state of the report: overview per country Austria Belgium Bulgaria Czech Rep Danmark Deutschland Estonia España Finland France Greece Hungary Ireland Italia Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Nederland Norge Polska Portugal Romania Slovakia Slovenia Sweden Switzerland Ukraine United Kingdom Portal: no data (in purple)
THEIERE meeting, Gdansk, June 2003 Plan THEIERE website Content of the monograph The portal Way to disseminate (4th year of THEIERE?)
THEIERE meeting, Gdansk, June 2003 web site (portal), presenting EIE in Europe – kind of degrees per country – links with existing servers – database – research engine (keywords and percentages) – existing tools? – model of 358 curricula An engineering student (Carolina) in training period, from Vigo, in Nancy
THEIERE meeting, Gdansk, June 2003 Keywords and percentages Should we define a glossary of keywords ? Global amount of percentage => 100 % including EIE, other skills, other sc.-tech. domains
THEIERE meeting, Gdansk, June 2003
Portal (prototype)
THEIERE meeting, Gdansk, June 2003 Plan THEIERE website Content of the monograph The portal Way to disseminate (4th year of THEIERE?)
THEIERE meeting, Gdansk, June 2003 Way to disseminate A published monograph A web site (portal), presenting EIE in Europe – kind of diploma per country – links with existing servers
THEIERE meeting, Gdansk, June 2003 Works to achieve List of reviewers Technician level What to do with missing countries? Give me info if missing: "EIE in your country" See Hamed Keywords Dissemination? 1st July: release 8 available on THEIERE w.sit 7th July: absolute deadline for feedback from reviewers