HMMG John Herring
HMMG HMMG Meeting, 28 May 22 present Presentation on UML/OWL mappings Editor issues –Rose migration to Enterprise Architect UML 1, UML 2 and PT –Transition between UML versions Discussion on Versioning
HMMG Motion of the HMMG Whereas Rational Rose has proven inadequate for the needs of the HMMG and the TC The HMMG resolves to maintain the Harmonized model in Enterprise Architect, and to investigate using XMI as the official storage mechanism. –A complete, validated EA version to be ready on or before 1 September 2008
HMMG Update Procedure The HMMG informs the TC that all future updates of the harmonized model be done either by using Enterprise Architect or a combination of XMI and documentations able to uniquely define the full UML model.
HMMG Creating a UML 2 HM The HMMG proposes to create a UML 2 version of the harmonized model by modifying all UML 1 «Type» classifiers into the equivalent UML 2 «interface» classifiers, changing the appropriate realization relations to realizations, changing cardinality relations, and changing collections templates to constraints (in conjunction with 19103)
HMMG Basic Motion The HMMG proposed to maintain UML 1 and UML 2 versions of the HM until the new ISO is accepted, and then archiving the older versions This will allow both UML 1 and UML 2 Model development during the transition between the two versions of 19103
HMMG Version Registry The HMMG resolves to accept the offer of JRC to maintain a version registry for the Harmonized Model in support of the editing and maintenance associated to ongoing work. –A publically available XMI and EAP versions will be kept on the HMMG pages