Example of OOR Architecture Open Ontology Repository Architecture – Some Considerations March, 2008 Dr. Ravi Sharma Senior Enterprise Architect Technology.


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Presentation transcript:

Example of OOR Architecture Open Ontology Repository Architecture – Some Considerations March, 2008 Dr. Ravi Sharma Senior Enterprise Architect Technology Excellence Center, Vangent, Inc

2 Open Ontology Repository Architecture – Some Considerations 1. Assumptions: 1). Machine Interpretability – avoid unstructured exclusive flat text only content 2). Open distributed federated registry and repository 3). Minimum mandatory Metadata required for ingesting ontology definition in to repository 4). Self preservation, security and authentication and registration of new ontologies 5). Collaborative client access to ontology content on owner sites

3 2. Considerations: ● Availability - contents are distributed in multiple locations ● Scalability – as type and instances of ontologies increase ● Registry could start by simple concepts such as ID and Owner, Subject, Date, URI etc. ● Repository at minimum holds metadata may later scale up to support higher functionality such as reasoners, solvers, sample content, Notations (e.g. UML), test- beds, etc. Open Ontology Repository Architecture – Some Considerations

4 3. Architectural aspects – some illustrated in visuals, not all options available or necessary ● Infrastructure, storage and security, Standards, test-beds (for example NIST Testbed?) ● Metadata and information, engines for serving content for actual applications ● Translators for interoperability among different ontology types / versions and instances ● Synchronization / interoperation with other autonomous repositories and registries ● Workflow, business process, event processing and federation scenarios ● Metamodel of the repository, rules for views and joins among metadata aggregations ● Higher functionality – Query, Search, Relationships (Triples, N-ary), KM Models Open Ontology Repository Architecture – Some Considerations

5 Open Ontology Repository Architecture – Example

6 Dr. Ravi Sharma, Senior Enterprise Architect, Technology Excellence Center, Vangent, Inc. > (Views expressed are Professional inputs – not necessarily endorsed by any Organization or the Summit.) > "Content may be reused with attribution to the Author and Company".