OOI CI LCA REVIEW August 2010 Ocean Observatories Initiative OOI Cyberinfrastructure Architecture Overview Michael Meisinger Life Cycle Architecture Review La Jolla, CA
OOI CI LCA REVIEW August 2010 Goals for this Presentation To set the stage… What is … the OOI Integrated Observatory? What is … the CI (Cyberinfrastructure)? What is … Release 1? What is … the role of the architecture in Construction? Where … can I find information about the CI design? What … were the main accomplishments in Elaboration? What … are the core implementation choices? … for detailed subsystem presentations
OOI CI LCA REVIEW August 2010 Overview Architecture in the System Engineering Process Architectural Overview The OOI Integrated Observatory CI Capabilities in Release 1 Subsystems and Interfaces Implementation of the Architecture Current Status Main Choices Key Concepts Capability Integration Strategy Deployment: Plan and Strategy
OOI CI LCA REVIEW August 2010 Role of the Architecture Blueprint for software construction Defines long term intent Defines the core structure of the system: interfaces, services, startup, data flow Defines the fundamental principles Starting point for developers during task definition Daily reference for developers when making implementation decisions Place to document consolidated understanding and design refinement Ensure that the developed system meets the requirements: Functional capabilities, performance, security Maintainability, manageability, extensibility Supporting OOI-wide SE processes Requirements and interface management Configuration control Integration, test, validation
OOI CI LCA REVIEW August 2010 Architecture Products Architecture Documentation Story, background, context (Living, consistent documentation) Located on Confluence, exported to PDF Architecture Model Drawings, Definitions, Tracing Authored in Enterprise Architect, clickable export Searchable PDF document of all drawings Technology List Candidate technologies for integration, interfacing, reference Living spreadsheet and reference catalog
OOI CI LCA REVIEW August 2010 Enterprise Architect Used to: Define Draw Connect Identify Check Document Browse Export Examples: Drawing repository Requirements Tracing Interface identification HTML Export:
OOI CI LCA REVIEW August 2010 OOI Integrated Observatory
OOI CI LCA REVIEW August 2010 Integrated Observatory
OOI CI LCA REVIEW August 2010 OOI Integrated Observatory Out of scope for release 1 Out of scope for release 1 Out of scope for release 1 Out of scope for release 1 Out of scope for release 1
OOI CI LCA REVIEW August 2010 OOI Release 1 External Data Sources (Observatories, such as IOOS with GTS/IDD, individual data producers) Data Analysts, Numerical Modelers
OOI CI LCA REVIEW August 2010 Scope: Product Definition Release 1: Data Distribution Network (May 2011) “Ingest” data (products) from external data sources Characterize data sources with their metadata attributes (format, structure) Transform data into internal OOI data formats, for stream-based distribution and persistence Distribute data via streaming and DAP servers to data analysts and numerical modelers Provide a platform for initial instrument integration, control and sensor data acquisition Provide a distributed service integration and execution platform
OOI CI LCA REVIEW August 2010 Release Schedule
OOI CI LCA REVIEW August 2010 Subsystems OV2 CI Sensing & Acquisition Data Management Common Operating Infrastructure Common Execution Infrastructure
OOI CI LCA REVIEW August 2010 The Capability Container Ingredients: Capability: function, service, process Plumbing: Messaging, security Container: drop it all in as needed Packaging: label it, tape it shut… done!
OOI CI LCA REVIEW August 2010 Secure Reliable Messaging Capability Container Capability Container Capability Container Capability Container Capability Container Capability (Service) Capability (Service) Capability (Service) Capability (Service) Capability (Service)
OOI CI LCA REVIEW August 2010 COI Infrastructure Services The Common Operating Infrastructure (COI) is the integration & communication environment for all the other subsystem services
OOI CI LCA REVIEW August 2010 Integration Strategy Capability Container Secure reliable messaging via the “Exchange” Service-oriented architecture Non-central governance COI Infrastructure Services
OOI CI LCA REVIEW August 2010 CI Interfaces and Subsystems
OOI CI LCA REVIEW August 2010 Deployment Plan and Strategy Deployment of capability containers in OOI clusters and in the Amazon cloud by leveraging virtualization CyberPoP (Cyberinfrastructure Point of Presence): physical deployment of one or multiple capability containers Network connectivity Storage and computation (redundant)
OOI CI LCA REVIEW August 2010 Network Architecture
OOI CI LCA REVIEW August 2010 Network Deployment
OOI CI LCA REVIEW August 2010 Goals of Spiral Phases in Development Inception Define the objectives with stakeholders Perform isolated prototyping in high risk areas Get the development team trained in technologies and dependencies Define the architecture and integration plan Elaboration Build out the core interfaces and architectural components (services and message interactions) Integrate services by defining end-to-end scenarios Refine and consolidate the architecture and design specs Make a realistic construction plan based on measured team performance Construction Refactor core interfaces and components based on lessons learned Implement services and components according to construction plan Continuous integration Successively add to the test suite in order to prove satisfaction of release use cases
OOI CI LCA REVIEW August 2010 Progress in Elaboration One primary code base “LCAarch” Python as primary technology for architectural prototyping More than 25K lines of code Integration basically across all subsystems (some exceptions) Presentation Platform: Web UI Interoperability with prototypical Java platform
OOI CI LCA REVIEW August 2010 Goals check: Questions? Thanks !
OOI CI LCA REVIEW August 2010 Scenario Walk Through Detailed use case message scenario: External entities (user/system/device) services with operations and events deployment locations message format interaction sequence
OOI CI LCA REVIEW August 2010 Agenda Subsystem Purpose Release 1 Product Description Use Case Overview Architectural Overview Status of Progress Use Cases Address, Use Cases Demonstrated Technology Challenges and Achievements Plan for Construction Significant Risks
OOI CI LCA REVIEW August 2010 Agenda Subsystem Purpose Release 1 Product Description Use Case Overview Architectural Overview Status of Progress Use Cases Address, Use Cases Demonstrated Technology Challenges and Achievements Plan for Construction Significant Risks
OOI CI LCA REVIEW August 2010 {name} Subsystem: Purpose
OOI CI LCA REVIEW August 2010 Release 1 Product Description Use Case Overview
OOI CI LCA REVIEW August 2010 Architectural Overview
OOI CI LCA REVIEW August 2010 Status of Progress Use Cases Address Use Cases Demonstrated
OOI CI LCA REVIEW August 2010 Technology Challenges and Achievements
OOI CI LCA REVIEW August 2010 Plan for Construction
OOI CI LCA REVIEW August 2010 Significant Risks
OOI CI LCA REVIEW August 2010 Architecture Overview
OOI CI LCA REVIEW August 2010 Thanks ! Questions ?
OOI CI LCA REVIEW August 2010 Scope of Future Releases Release 2: Managed Instrument Network (2012) Fully managed instrument activation and control; ready for deployment on OOI moorings and cable infrastructure Qualified data products based on automated data processing Release 3: On-Demand Measurement Processing (2013) Observatory management and resource scheduling On demand and event driven measurements Data processing workflows Release 4: Integrated Modeling Network (2014) Interactive analysis and synthesis Numerical model integration Release 5: Interactive Ocean Observatory (2015) Full control of data, processes, models, instruments Closed loop, adaptive sensing and platform control Out of scope for release 1
OOI CI LCA REVIEW August 2010 Preparing Services for Deployment Instrument Point Acquisition Point Ingest Point Application Point Storage Point Access Portal
OOI CI LCA REVIEW August 2010 Deployment Scenario Out of scope for release 1 Out of scope for release 1 Out of scope for release 1
OOI CI LCA REVIEW August 2010 External Interfaces SV1 OOI
OOI CI LCA REVIEW August 2010 External Interfaces Terrestrial CyberPoP Cloud Execution Point Marine Management CI Station CI Instance on platform User CI Instance Out of scope for release 1 Out of scope for release 1 Out of scope for release 1
OOI CI LCA REVIEW August 2010 System Deployments SV1 CI