Metamodel Layer Model Layer Instance Layer CCTSXML Schema CCTS Model XML Schema Instance XML Instance XML Instance Metamodel Mapping Model Mapping Instance.


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Presentation transcript:

Metamodel Layer Model Layer Instance Layer CCTSXML Schema CCTS Model XML Schema Instance XML Instance XML Instance Metamodel Mapping Model Mapping Instance Mapping CCTS SpaceXML Space Mapping Space Example BBIE ↔ element Person Concept ↔ Party Concept Michael ↔ Research Studios CC BIE

Metamodel Layer Model Layer Instance Layer CCTSXML Schema CCTS Model XML Schema Instance XML Instance XML Instance Metamodel Mapping Model Mapping Instance Mapping CCTS SpaceXML Space Mapping Space Example BBIE ↔ element Person Concept ↔ Party Concept Michael ↔ Research Studios NDR based Modeling based

VIENNA AddIn UN/CEFACT Core Component Library My Core Component Library Doc A Doc B «transform» Doc C Enterprise Architect «model» «model, transform» «model» «integrate» «model» «generate» «model» HL7 UBL «import» Extern