Page 1 Federal Information and Records Managers (FIRM) Council 2007 OMG Government Domain Task Force National Archives and Records Administration MDA Models for Records Management Services Population of Melvin Greer Senior Research Engineer, Principal Certified Federal Enterprise Architect Copyright 2007 by Lockheed Martin March 20, 2007
Page 2 Objectives of this Session Methods that encourage Industry incentive to invest in publicly available SOA components Federal SOA…dependant on the discovery and reuse of registered and graduated components Encourage and differentiate use of / Emphasize Community of Practice (CoP) role
Page 3 OMG MDA, /…an Integrated Process Build RMSC Discovery, Reuse, Governance OMG / Integrated Plan
Page 4 Emerging Technology (ET).gov … … or Component Organization and Registration Environment (CORE).gov facilitates the identification, discovery, and formation of communities of practice (CoP) a collaborative environment and component registry/repository where teams register processes, capabilities, case studies, best practices, documentation, and software components Both are sponsored and run by CIO Council and GSA
Page 5 RMSC in Overall Process –Identification / Registration –Subscription –Stewardship –Graduation –Budgeting –Acquisition –Maintenance –Retirement / Replacement RMSC has been approved at Stewardship… Graduation will lead to its population into
Page 6 Identification and registration Create an XML document which describes RMSC component, Benefit – searchable, detailed component, owner, state information Information regarding proposed components is registered, indexed, and made available for browsing and searching. Anyone may identify an ET component
Page 7 Subscription 19 Agencies self-subscribed to RMSC component thereby forming community of practice (CoP), Benefit - RMSC Community of Practice drives development, design, discovery, adoption and reuse of RMSC Government employees and others subscribe to components of interest to them, thereby forming CoPs around those components. CoP may use any collaborative environment around ET components, such as
Page 8 Stewardship The CIO Council's (CIOC) Emerging Technology Subcommittee agreed to accept stewardship of RMSC based upon the interest and commitment embodied in the RMSC CoP, Benefit – CoP demonstrate to and leadership that sufficient resources exist to determine RMSC technical viability and utility…and that real customers exists The ET Subcommittee accepts stewardship of components for which sufficient interest exists, as evidenced by the CoPs forming around them.
Page 9 Graduation RMSC will "graduate" to become a relatively mature new service component Benefit - the CIO Council's Governance Subcommittee can recognize the RMSC in the Service Component Reference Model (SRM) and catalog it in the Technical Reference Model (TRM) and apply the governance process for the Federal Enterprise Architecture (FEA) models. The technical viability and utility of ET components are demonstrated, whereupon they become candidates for inclusion in for Government-wide access.
Page 10 OMG Government Domain Task Force MDA Models for Records Management Services (RMS) Approval Process (due complete March 2008) –Revised Submission –Final evaluation and selection by Task Force, recommendation to Architecture Board and Technology Committee –Approval by Architecture Board, review by Technology Committee –Technology Committee votes –Board of Directors votes
Page 11 RMSC Key Features Integrated OMG MDA and process Indexed and searchable at origin CoP drives development with inward focus Simultaneous review by ET and CORE leadership Leverage FEA governance process Benefit – Increase RMSC adoption and reuse
Page 12 Way Ahead Refine development of CIM, PIM, PSM OMG models RMSC CoP –Confirm translation of RMS requirements document –Evaluate and Validate RMS Use Cases –Technical assumptions (Metadata, Persistence, Provenance) –Schedule Collaboration/Expedition Workshop –Collaborate with SOA CoP Determine which FEA artifacts will be required to guide the demonstration of the RMSC, and lead to its population into