The Transit Standards Consortium: Standards FOR Transit, BY Transit Presented at Metro Magazine’s Bus Technology Conference Anaheim, California By Eva Lerner-Lam, TSC Board Member President, the Palisades Consulting Group, Inc. Tuesday, March 6, 2001
TSC Mission “To provide a transit industry forum for comprehensive and integrated research, development, testing, training and maintenance of transit standards in order to improve cost effectiveness, customer service and employee satisfaction.”
Organizational Structure Independent, non-profit organization under IRS Code Sec. 501 ( c ) (3) Nine-member, elected Board of Trustees Two Standing Councils: Technical Council and Education Council Technical Working Group and Task Forces for specific standards-related activities
Grassroots, Member-Driven Equal representation at all levels of TSC –Operators (1/3) –Vendors (1/3) –Other (1/3) University Transportation Research Centers State and local DOT’s System Integrators Consultants
Origins Response to a “void” in the industry— TCIP data interface standards testing, maintenance and training in their use Grew into a grassroots effort to leverage many disparate standardization activities in an open, non-proprietary forum
Before TSC Data Standards Equipment Stds Safety Standards Procedural Stds Reporting Stds Comm Standards
TSC: Strategic Alliances LMA CAATS Others IEEEITSASAE Transit Standards Consortium Technical Activities Educational Activities
TSC is NOT an SDO TSC attracts people from many Standards Development Organizations TSC works closely with SDOs, using a broad range of strategic alliances TSC helps the transit industry better understand and evaluate technologies currently deployed by closely related groups that often have similar needs
Funding Three sources: –Member dues –Grants from FTA and other governmental agencies –Stakeholder contributions for specific projects
Organizational Structure
FY2001 Board of Trustees Robert E. Paaswell, Ph.D., P.E., Chairman William Long, Vice Chairman William Hiller, Treasurer Terry Williams, Secretary Richard Cox, President Richard Hodges Eva Lerner-Lam David Matta (1 vacancy in Operator Category)
FY2001 Technical Council Tom Sullivan (Consultant) Chairman Richard Cox (SAE) Bill Hiller (Siemens) Dana Lowell (NYCT) Paula Okunieff (Consultant) Arthur Scanlon (Clever Devices) Jeffery Orton (UTA) (2 vacancies to be filled)
FY2001 Education Council Halsey King, Chairman Richard Cox (SAE) Mohsen Jafari, Ph.D. (Rutgers) Jerome Lutin, Ph.D. (NJTransit) Robert Paaswell, Ph.D. (CUNY) (4 vacancies to be filled)
Strategic Alliances ITS America (1998) California Alliance for Advanced Transportation Systems (2000) Society of Automotive Engineers (1999) LonMark Interoperability Association (2001)
Strategic Alliance with SAE Talks initiated by SAE Board Member, Halsey King in late 1999 Relationship has evolved into a synergistic and powerful alliance –SAE Director of Special Programs serves as President of TSC –Joint membership dues structure –SAE’s future “Bus Transit Standards Academy” –Taking the lead on TSC’s “12-in-12” Initiative
Current Projects FTA-sponsored: Location Referencing Study ITS Education and Outreach Courses Member-sponsored: Bus Stop Inventory Best Practices “12-in-12”
“12 Standards in 12 Months” “Low-hanging fruit”, adapted from existing equipment, data and communications standards New Technical Working Group under TSC Technical Council First 12 standards are aligned with existing SAE standards committees
Organizational Structure of “12-in-12”
“12-in-12” Standards Categories 1. Brake 2. Powertrain 3. Electrical and Electronics 4. Chassis 5. Occupant Environment 6. Total Vehicle Systems 7. Fuels and Lubricants 8. Intelligent Transportation Systems 9. Materials, Processes and Parts 10. Manufacturing 11. Specialized Equipment 12. Reliability, Maintainability, Supportability, and Logistics
Status of “12-in-12” Constituting the Technical Working Group According to TSC Bylaws, TWG members will elect Chair Formal program startup in April 2001
TSC Membership Benefits Participation in Technical Working Group and Task Force activities Participation in TSC and TSC-affiliate conferences, workshops, seminars, etc. at reduced rates , newsletter and web-based information services about transit standards
Membership Dues Level 1 $25, individual memberships, 10 votes Level 2 $10,000 4 individual memberships, 4 votes Level 3 $ 2,500 1 individual membership, 1 vote Individual $ individual membership, 1/20 vote
Summary TSC is a grassroots, member-driven, non- profit association of transit professionals and organizations dedicated to the development and use of standards in transit By working in partnership with standards organizations and experts, TSC will facilitate and fill voids in transit standards that are not being adequately addressed today
To Join TSC Application Forms are available via the Web at:
For more information... Visit the TSC website at: Or contact: Richard Cox, President