O ne U nified R eporting Near Miss Program Start Up! July 2015
OUR Near Miss Program Agenda Acknowledgements Review the Definitions and why we generate and share Near Miss Reports Review the rollout plan and the differences from the previous plan Review the draft Near Miss Report Card/Form Review the flow for generating and managing Near Miss Reports Review monthly sharing routine Review monthly statistic reporting routine
OUR Near Miss Program Acknowledgements John Roberts,TESC Jamie Morris,E.S. Fox Mike Quenneville,CCM Karen Proulx-DiPietro,Domco, Detour Gold Derek Cashmore,SMS Rents Mike Fulmer,SMS Rents Scott Sutton,Sutton Services Jim Mathieson,Vale Trueman Hirschfeld,Vale Chris Lepera,Vale
OUR Near Miss Program Definitions: Incident– An unplanned event that results in loss or harm to: Personel (Injury/Illness) Environment Asset or equipment Example: Employee slips on an icy walkway and fractures wrist. Near Miss – An incident with the potential to cause loss or harm (but no loss or harm occurred, i.e. a close call. Example: Employee slips on an icy walkway and temporarily loses footing but does not fall. No injury sustained
OUR Near Miss Program Definitions (cont.): Unsafe Condition– A situation or circumstance that if combined with an unplanned event could result in an incident or near miss (an incident waiting to happen) Example: Icy walkway. Noticed and managed before an incident or near miss occurs.
Why do we record and share near misses? It is all about Sharing our experiences and our stories both inside the company and to the larger audience out side the company We believe that between us all, there is more than enough experience to share that will help get us to zero harm – we just need to create the platforms to increase our hazard library. Near misses are a good leading indicator for potential Health and Safety Trends. The more of these stories (data points) we have, the better our picture becomes of things to watch out for.
Rollout Process Review OUR Near Miss Program Rollout Presentation with development Group Incorporate changes identified at that meeting into Rollout Print first 1000 OUR Near Miss Cards Give OUR Near Miss Program Rollout presentation at Contractor HomeSafe Meeting and hand out first set of cards Include as part of meeting minutes so that individual companies can present to their people. Present OUR Near Miss Program Rollout at PMO Monthly HomeSafe Meetings Begin getting near miss reporting statistics for month of August (after PMP) Review stats and near miss reports at August Contractor HomeSafe Meeting
OUR Near Miss Program Card
OUR Near Miss Program Template
Flow Sheets for Generating and Managing OUR Near Miss Reports
How do I determine if an unplanned event is a Near Miss?
How to Action and Report a Near Miss
Sharing Near Misses Please Note: Central Sharing Site is not yet available. In the interim, please store electronically scanned near misses in your Company Directory for later loading into Central Sharing Site.
Sharing Near Misses in your company (Suggestion) You are free to do this in any manner you choose – below though is one method. Format Supervisor hands in Near Miss Cards collected that day and hands them in to Safety Department. Safety Department files collects cards and determines which ones should be shared in company or out of company Safety Department scans cards the should be shared (in company or out of company). Safety Department attaches scanned card to the template , puts a tag line in the Subject box (that helps people at a glance determine if the subject is relevant to them) and fills in other templated information Safety Dept distributes to other supervisors and company personell as an . Safety Dept. submits physical card to Vale representative (for Vale specific Near Missis only) HIGH POTENTIAL NEAR MISSES that could affect other companies that need to be shared immediately can be sent to Johanne Rochon (Vale) who will mass deliver via using distribution list pending approval of PMO Manager.
Monthly Sharing and Reporting Routines On a monthly basis Each company updates the Near Miss Tracking sheet with the following information: Number of near misses generated Number of near misses shared externally Near Miss Tracking sheet will be available as a form on the Extranet site Please fill in the form monthly for your company and submit to Tasha Pinkerton at Vale. She will update the whole statistic sheet. Every month, one company will be selected to present one or two Near Misses along with the resultant actions at the Contractor Homesafe Meeting. Every month, the Near Miss Tracking statistics will be reviewed at the Contractor HomeSafe Meeting
Joint Near Miss Program Near Miss Tracking Form Month Company 1Company 2Company 3Company 4Company 5Company 6Company 7Company 8 SubmittedSharedSubmittedSharedSubmittedSharedSubmittedSharedSubmittedSharedSubmittedSharedSubmittedSharedSubmittedShared January February March April May June July August September October November December Total SubmittedSharedSubmittedSharedSubmittedSharedSubmittedSharedSubmittedSharedSubmittedSharedSubmittedSharedSubmittedShared Totals Submitted0 Totals Shared0
Sharing Near Misses with other Companies Please Note At this time, we have not yet set up a central site to share Near Miss Reports electronically We suggest that scanned near misses and the accompanying template are stored by the individual company safety group for later posting to central site once it is up and running In the meantime, these saved near misses can be made to everyone in the company to use whenever there is opportunity, e.g. morning line ups, safety meetings, tool box talks etc. Central Extranet Site Memo Format Safety Department reviews electronically saved Near Misses and determines if they need sharing. If so, the applicable electronic file is dropped into the central extranet site
Near Miss Program Card info Cards will be available in electronic format and as preprinted cards. A limited number of preprinted cards are available at the front and come with a HomeSafe Logo Electronic format for card will be available from Xtranet site with NO logo. Companies can take this electronic card to get cards printed with the company logo.