Professional Learning Communities: A Study Group Approach Session 2


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Presentation transcript:

Professional Learning Communities: A Study Group Approach Session 2 Note to Facilitator: BEFORE the session you should have emailed a reminder with this PowerPoint and other ancillaries (if appropriate) to participants. Welcome participants. Do housekeeping including bathrooms, NORMS, snacks. Make nametags (if necessary). 0 minute Effective Schools Program, HRD 7770 West Oakland Park Blvd. Sunrise, FL 33351 754 321-3500 The School Board of Broward County, Florida, prohibits any policy or procedure which results in discrimination on the basis of age, color, disability, gender, national origin, marital status, race, religion or sexual orientation. Individuals who wish to file a discrimination and/or harassment complaint may call the Director of Equal Educational Opportunities at (754) 321-2150 or Teletype Machine TTY (754) 321-2158.

Module 1 Objectives Review previous session Integrate the common elements of running a meeting into their job embedded PLC Incorporate technologies into PLCs PPT 2: Module 1 Objectives…. Review previous session -Discuss successes/challenges -Share membership list -Share topic to be studied -Review 6 characteristics/13 Elements Integrate the common elements of running a meeting into their job embedded PLC -Identify group roles vital to the functioning of a PLC -Choose and apply team norms -Employ the common elements of an agenda to the job embedded PLC meetings Apply the necessary elements for using CAB and WIKI technologies as an integral part of institutionalizing PLCs 0 minutes

Where are you in terms of …… Successes/ Challenges Membership list Topic of study Rubric Agenda Group Reflections Open the session with a discussion of what is working and what is not working. Share ideas. Ask participants to share their membership and their topics. Ask if they are choosing to use a three ring binder. Remind them that this would be the best way to keep their ancillaries and that they will have much less to do for the portfolio. Remind participants of the rubric. Clarify if needed. Remind them that they will need an agenda from this session on (today we will discuss in depth. Remind participants of the group reflections that will become a part of each of our sessions. The reflections can be the minutes. 15 minutes

6 Characterisitcs…… From Learning By Doing, DuFour, et al Focus on learning Collaborative culture Collective inquiry into best practice and the current reality Action orientation Commitment to continuous improvement Results Orientation From Learning By Doing, DuFour, et al These are from the Dufour text Learning By Doing (see p. 3-5 for more information). Briefly review using the notes below: -Focus on learning: for both students and teachers/administrators; guided by clear and compelling purpose; mission/vision/goals/values . -Collaborative culture: working interdependently; means to an end; systematic process; impact classroom practice. -Collective inquiry into best practice and the current reality: what is going on at our school right now not last year. -Action orientation: turn aspirations into action and visions into reality; learning by doing develops a deeper understanding of what is needed. -Commitment to continuous improvement: doesn’t accept the status quo; gathering of information and doing something; creating conditions for perpetual learning. -Results Orientation: all efforts based on results rather than intentions. 1 minute

13 Elements (from SREB)…. Place improving student learning at the center Meet regularly for a sustained and focused time Observe each other’s practice and give feedback Build Trust Make their work public Value diversity Draw on expertise Engage in reciprocal learning Share leadership Hold themselves accountable Are facilitated by a coach Continuously challenge one another Employ an action research cycle of inquiry Briefly go over these. Remind the participants that they received these during our first session. These are more specific, whereas, DuFour’s are more holistic/global. These elements are from Cecil B. Golden/SREB/DELTA. The 13 elements are listed below: 1. Place improving student learning and successes at the center of their work 2. Meet regularly for a sustained and focused period of time to work and learn together. 3. Observe each other’s practice and give feedback to each other on a regular basis. 4. Build trust by engaging in significant work while providing a safe environment for taking risks. 5. Make their work public; collaboratively examine and give usable feedback on work done by their students and on their own work (e.g. teaching practices, curriculum, school culture issues). 6. Value diversity of thought, experience and perspective. 7. Draw on their own expertise, as well as the expertise of “outside” resources. 8. Engage in reciprocal learning (everyone learns from everyone). 9. Share leadership within the group. 10. Hold themselves accountable for continuous improvement toward helping everyone learn. 11. Are facilitated by a coach who has received high quality training and on-going support. 12. Continuously challenge one another to adapt practice toward fostering educational and social equity. 13. Employ an action research cycle of inquiry as a framework for its activities and learning. 1 minute

Who’s Who?? Stand by the sign that most closely resembles your work style As a group answer the following questions: -Use 4 adjectives to describe the strengths of your style. -Use 4 adjectives to describe the limitations of your style. -Which style do you find most difficult to work with and why? -What do people from other directions or styles need to know about you so you can work together effectively? -What do you value about the other three styles? - Go to for explicit instructions for this protocol. The intent is to jumpstart a conversation about how we have different styles yet have to find a way to work together. 13-15 minutes

The Nuts and Bolts of Running a PLC Meeting…. Agenda Norms Roles Group Reflection Sheet (Minutes) Self-Reflection PPT 11: The nuts and bolts…. Objective: Integrate the common elements of running a meeting into their job embedded PLC Review the bullets. Emphasize how all these have to be in place to form the collaborations that are a necessary element for the PLC to have sustainability. 1 minute

Agenda…..***should be shared PRIOR to the meeting Date Begin and end times Roles of participants Topic(s) to be addressed Open concerns Date of next meeting Session 1 Agenda (Date/Time) Welcome/Norms Scope and Sequence A Common Vocabulary Introduction to PLCs 6 Characteristics of a PLC/13 Necessary Elements The Nuts and Bolts/Simulation Technologies that can be incorporated into PLCs Follow-up Concerns/Questions and Answers PPT 13: Agenda… Go through the bullets. Ask participants to take out Agenda Guidlines(it should have been sent electronically) . Discuss the importance of the agenda whole group. Agendas serve to: Give a specified time limit that shows everyone’s time is valuable and will not be wasted. Provides information BEFORE the meeting so that arrangements can be made. Roles should be part of the agenda so that members know who will address what as well as who will do the addressing. Pretty much the facilitator roll is the ESP facilitator or they themselves. Other roles can be static or fluid. Fluid is a good choice because that way the burden is not on one person. Topic should have already been decided. This is where you begin looking at the component pieces of the big topic. What ? How? Provides an opportunity for last minute happenings that team members feel need addressing. Sometimes it can be addressed at the present time but sometimes the item is lengthy and is better served addressed at a future meeting. Participants take time to visit our agenda for our PLC. Fill out one Group Reflection Sheet that will serve as our PLC minutes. ***At times the PLC that is being facilitated by ESP will have many more members- adjust to fit the needs. 5-10 minutes

Your Session 1 Agenda… Date Begin and End Times Norms Team Roles Content (big topic decided, now begin identifying the what and how) Concerns Date of next meeting(s) PPT 14: Your Agenda… INTERACTIVE ACTVIITY : PLC members draft a tentative agenda for their Session 1. Remind PLC to email members Before the meeting if members are identified. Facilitator walks around and assists. Debrief whole group if needed. All PLCs will bring a copy of their agenda to Session 3 of our PLC. 4 minutes

Norms OURS and YOURS Necessary for all team endeavors Commitment Reviewed at the beginning and end of each meeting Focus on a few rather than many PPT 15: Norms…. Discuss the points on the slide with participants. INTERACTIVE ACTIVITY: Ask participants to come up with some norms they can try to live with for now. Direct the conversation to some of the points below: Judge the idea not the person Listen before speaking Allow time for all to participate; when brainstorming every idea is a good one Rotate group roles Identify begin and end times Cell phones on vibe Computer for taking notes not emailing Ask participants to create norms with their PLC as part of the follow-up knowing that these can and should be re-visited as the need arises. Once their norms are decided upon with their PLCpart of their follow-up for this session will be complete. Norms must be decided at their PLC meeting before our Session 2. They will bring their norms to our Session 2. 5 minutes

Team Roles… Facilitator Time keeper Recorder Reporter Clarifier Encourager Other PPT 16: Team Roles…. Go through the bullets using the notes below: Facilitator- makes sure the agenda is adhered to; prepares agenda items based on previous meeting; calls meetings Time keeper- makes sure times are adhered to; reminds team members of next meetings Recorder- takes minutes; ensures that all members have adequate time to share/reflect Reporter-reads the minutes at the beginning and end of each meeting Clarifier-asks questions throughout the meeting and in-between meetings is the person concerns are forwarded to; the clarifier then forwards concern to facilitator so that concern is put on the agenda for the next meeting Encourager- reads the norms at beginning and end of each session; takes concerns about norms under advisement and presents them at the next meeting when necessary; makes sure everyone is engaged The points above are just guidelines. Each PLC should tweak them to make sense for them. Roles should be decided at their Session 1 PLC meeting as done in the simulation or as an initial activity. 5 minutes

Group Reflection/Minutes… Name of PLC: Start Time: End Time: Date: Location: Time Keeper: Reporter: Facilitator: Recorder: Members participating: Members absent: Overall (SMART) PLC Goal: Today’s Focus: Main Points of meeting: (Bullets are fine. Frame your points around these questions: What do you see? What do you think? What does it mean? What is my plan of action for this month?) Next Steps: (Implementation-What /where/when/ who/what evidence) Next Session Logistics: (Focus; date/time; place; roles; etc.) WIKI Reflection: This is a public forum for your thoughts. Please respond to a minimum of 2 WIKI entries. Personal Journals: (final five minutes-for personal reflections, not for the record) Ask participants to take out the Blank Reflection Sheet (should have been sent electronically). Go over the reflection sheet and clarify. 3-5 minutes

Group Reflection/Minutes… Name of PLC: Happy Dale PLC Start Time: 1pm End Time: 1:45PM Date: 4/1/2011 Location: media center Time Keeper: Annie Reporter: Terrance Facilitator: Betty Recorder: Maria Members participating: Rick, Paula, Barbara Members absent: Candy Overall (SMART) PLC Goal: By the end of 2010, 75% of teachers will be able to facilitate a PLC independently. Today’s Focus: Protocols and how to utilize them in our work Main Points of meeting: (Bullets are fine. Frame your points around these questions: What do you see? What do you think? What does it mean? What is my plan of action for this month?) Addressed calendar dates Welcome to the PLC/ Visit Objectives Reviewed last session Talked about the importance of using protocols Discussed how to infuse protocols into our daily work Discussed the portfolio requirements/rubric CAB- everyone was familiar Next Steps: (Implementation-What /where/when/ who/what evidence) Do follow-up- complete agenda, minutes and share electronically Study protocols and identify those we will use Use them in our meetings and identify what worked and didn’t work before the next session Next Session Logistics: (Focus; date/time; place; roles; etc.) Identify next meeting date (or remind them if date chosen) Send email before next meeting Concerns/Questions and Answers WIKI Reflection: This is a public forum for your thoughts. Please respond to a minimum of 2 WIKI entries. Personal Journals: (final five minutes-for personal reflections, not for the record) Ask participants to take out the Sample Reflection Sheet (should have been sent electronically). Point out that it is a word doc and it will expand. Go over the reflection sheet and clarify. 1-2 minutes

Wiki, wiki,wiki Follow this path: > >Departments >HRD-Professional Development >Quick Links >WIKI >Professional Learning Communities >PLCs-A Study Group Approach Use the guiding questions to think about PLCs and their ramifications on your practice and student achievement: How do/should PLCs impact my daily practice? Why? What parts of my daily practice should be addressed next in a PLC? Which of the 6 characteristics/13 elements are/are not evident? What do I do about it? Respond on our wiki. The wiki is their opportunity for self reflection. Wikis are a public forum where they will be required to respond to 2 entries after each session. Participants should have been emailed that they need to have their laptops for this session. Ask them to get on the BCPS website and take them to the wiki. As a facilitator you should have asked for and received administrator privileges from Bette Zippin. You should have inputted their names so they can log in. Encourage them to keep private reflections in a journal (not a requirement). Take them through our PLC WIKI and point out the most important components. You should take the time to play in our WIKI before this session. 15 minutes

Websites that will assist… Google professional learning communities and you will get about 50,000,000 hits!!! The bullets above are hotlinks. If time permits you can click on these and surf the sites for a little bit. 1-3 minutes

References…. Conzemius and O’Neill DuFour, Eaker, Many Marzano Reeves Schmoker Let participants know that you will (if you have not done so already) send them a complete bibliography electronically. The names here are but a few that were consulted. 1 minute

Follow-up Schedule a PLC meeting and create an agenda. Email the agenda prior to the meeting and cc your facilitator. . Review the norms and roles as a team. Document your norms. Document team roles (these are documented on the Group reflection Sheet). Keep minutes of the meeting (group reflection sheet). Incorporate the content from this session into your PLC team meeting. Check CAB for updates. Visit our WIKI and enter two reflections/responses to other members. Bring ONE copy of your Agenda, Norms, Roles, Group Reflections/Minutes of meeting, to our next session. Go through bullets and clarify as needed. Suggest they bring their follow-up in a 3 ring binder that can be used as their final portfolio. 1 minute

Q and A….. Do the Q and A. Thank them for their time. And take them to next slide and tell them it will be our last activitiy. 5-8 minutes