Mu2e WBS 2 Accelerator Progress Report Mu2e WGM 6/15/2011 Steve Werkema L2 Manager for the Accelerator Systems
Mu2e Accelerator Organization S. Werkema2 2 Mu2e Accelerator S. Werkema V. Nagaslaev (Deputy) FNAL 2 Mu2e Accelerator S. Werkema V. Nagaslaev (Deputy) FNAL 2.01 Project Management S. Werkema V. Nagaslaev (Deputy) FNAL 2.01 Project Management S. Werkema V. Nagaslaev (Deputy) FNAL 2.02 Recycler I. Kourbanis FNAL 2.02 Recycler I. Kourbanis FNAL 6/15/ Transport to Storage Rings J. Morgan B. Drendel (Deputy) FNAL 2.03 Transport to Storage Rings J. Morgan B. Drendel (Deputy) FNAL 2.04 Storage Rings J. Morgan B. Drendel (Deputy) FNAL 2.04 Storage Rings J. Morgan B. Drendel (Deputy) FNAL 2.10 Target Station R. Coleman FNAL 2.10 Target Station R. Coleman FNAL 2.11 Operations Prep. B. Drendel FNAL 2.11 Operations Prep. B. Drendel FNAL 2.07 RF Systems J. Dey FNAL 2.07 RF Systems J. Dey FNAL 2.05 Radiation Safety A. Leveling FNAL 2.05 Radiation Safety A. Leveling FNAL 2.08 External Beamline C. Johnstone FNAL 2.08 External Beamline C. Johnstone FNAL 2.09 Extinction E. Prebys FNAL 2.09 Extinction E. Prebys FNAL 2.06 Resonant Extraction L. Michelotti FNAL 2.06 Resonant Extraction L. Michelotti FNAL All level 3 managers have been named
Significant Issues Antiproton Source service building shielding Antiproton Source service building space Costs higher than expected Human Resources 36/15/2011S. Werkema
Service Building Shielding 6/15/2011S. Werkema4 Original Service Building Shielding Cap Shielding design criteria Shielding design criteria: < 1 mRem/yr to public at 175 m (considered negligible). 500 Need an overall reduction factor of >500 relative to the existing shielding. * Shielding Cap Shielding Cap: additional ~160X (from MARS simulations in progress) Require Require additional factor of 4 to 5 from: interlocked detectors, eberm, or long detectors (Total Loss Monitors) *Assumes total beam loss of 2%. Work in progress: MARS simulations to calculate shielding factors are in progress FNAL Accelerator and ES&H personnel are studying the possible use of eberms and TLMs at Fermilab
Service Building Space Service building space requirements are still being compiled g-2 service building space requirements not known Need more space in AP30 and AP50 5 Some of the equipment that will be required for the Accumulator injection kicker. Not shown: Fluorinert skid, electronics racks. 6/15/2011S. Werkema
High Costs Much work on BOEs remains. Total Accelerator Systems cost is not yet known. Total will be much higher than Accelerator + Target estimate for the Mu2e proposal ($21.74M includes base & contingency) –Having difficulty determining what went into this estimate Several big ticket items with costs greater than expected: kicker magnets, pulsed power supplies, beam absorbers, RF, extraction septum, PS heat & radiation shield Likely service building expansion or construction 66/15/2011S. Werkema
Personnel Issues Received temporary engineering support from AD/ME, AD/EE, AD/Instrumentation, and Tech. Div. for BOEs –Big effort – much accomplished –Work still in progress The issue of long term mechanical and electrical engineering support remains Radiation Safety level 3 manager (Tony Leveling) is over committed (Pbar Target station, JASMIN, Mu2e) Many AD people associated with Mu2e are still primarily working on Collider Run II Possible loss of one level 3 manager in coming months 76/15/2011S. Werkema
New People Gerry Annala (AD/TeV) Help Carol Johnstone with external beamline Coordinate overall accelerator mechanicals systems development (cooling, vacuum, magnet stands, etc.) Curtis Baffes (AD/ ME Support) Target station integration engineer Ron Moore (AD/TeV) Assistant Division Head/Coordination of Mu2e and g-2 86/15/2011S. Werkema
What’s Going on Now Big effort to finish BOEs Several changes must be made to the CDR MARS simulations for service building shielding studies Planning for beam studies that need to be done before the beam goes off in September. Trying not to think about g-2 Run II (complete on September 30) 96/15/2011S. Werkema