Strategies for Building New Economic Opportunities Webinar Presentation with Phase IV SET State Teams May 1, 2013.


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Presentation transcript:

Strategies for Building New Economic Opportunities Webinar Presentation with Phase IV SET State Teams May 1, 2013

Welcome Introduction of National SET Coordinators Other key partners working on the SET initiative (RRDCs, Training Design Team) Introduction of participants from each Phase IV State Team

The SET Phase IV States: 2 New -- 5 Expanding SET Phase IV

Outline of Today’s Agenda Key Elements of SET Roles and Responsibilities  State Partner Team  State Coaching Team Coaches’ Training Workshop Kicking off the Process Timeline Webinar for Your Potential Applicants Application Video Funding Q & A Time Who to Contact

Key Elements of SET

Purpose of SET Help rural communities/counties work together as a regional team in developing and implementing A High Quality Regional Economic Development Plan that builds on the current and emerging economic strengths of their region.

What SET Provides Regional Teams hours of on-site coaching Hands on step- by- step process for building or enhancing regional plans Detailed demographic & socio-economic information Data and analysis on current and emerging clusters Guidance in implementing the plan Access to individuals with special expertise More-in-depth cluster analysis Monthly calls with State Partner and/or Coaching Team Members Webinars on key topics of relevance to multiple regions Coaching Data & Analysis Technical Assistance Peer-to-Peer Networking

The SET Modules The Basics Snapshot of SET Profiling the Region Gearing Up Building a Strong Regional Team Developing Your Vision and Goals Examining Resources Discovering Assets and Assessing Barriers Focusing on Regional Competitive Advantage Exploring Strategies for Enhancing the Regional Economy Moving Into Action Planning for Success Measuring for Success

Roles and Responsibilities State Partner Team State RD Director Staff & Extension Service Representatives Other relevant partners (5-7+) State Coaching Team Should have strong experience coaching groups Should include at least one person well versed in interpreting and explaining technical economic data Serves as the team coaching the SET region toward their plan Helps with the High Quality Plan peer review process

The National SET Train-the-Coach Workshop Doodle poll Location: Denver? Schedule:  Day 1: Start time is 1 pm  Day 2: All day meeting  Day 3: All day meeting (thru 5 pm) Who should attend?  Members of the State Coaching Team  SET will pay for TWO Extension educators State USDA RD Office will pay for ONE RD person Attire: Business casual

Kicking Off the Process Application to you by May 3 Finalize applications and release Webinar for potential applicants (Module 1) Applications due to SPTs by June 24 th  State partner team members review applications  Template on scoring will be shared later  Rank proposals – best to worst Top 4 applicants to National Team by July 12 th August announcement

Summary of Key ActivitiesBy When? SET application form to states to finalize May 3 State contacts added to SET application form (to Rachel Welborn)May 10 Finalize State Partner Team (to Rachel Welborn)May 17 Finalize State Coaching Team (to Rachel Welborn)May 17 Applications due from regions to State Partner TeamJune 14 Top 4 proposals and reviews due from State Partner Team to Suzette AgansJuly 12 State Coaching Team attends National WorkshopTBD SET regions selectedAugust State Coaching Team meets with each regional team to finalize detailsAugust-Sept. State Coaching Teams participates in monthly calls of SET Phase IV statesMonthly Launch SET Coaching and implementationFall

The Application: Let’s Discuss Logistics: Point of Contact: RD and CES Fillable PDF Send to SRDC to post Groups to target Meeting the rural definition Resources to help with the application

SET Video: Recruiting Tool Preview

Once Regions Are Announced Conduct initial meeting with each regional team Work out timeline for conducting SET modules with each regional team Determine location(s) for the planning sessions Assign module topics to members of the State Coaching Team (may wish to wait until national workshop is completed) Prepare media releases; make sure to recognize all partners

Funding for SET Funding level: $19,700 per region To be used to support Extension educators who will play a key role in the SET planning process How to be used?  Partial salary support plus fringes  Travel expenses to coach SET sessions  Supplies/duplication expenses  Long distance telephone expenses

Your Turn: Question and Answers

Who to Contact? Bo Beaulieu Purdue Center for Regional Development Suzette Agans or David Sears USDA Rural Development Rachel Welborn Southern Rural Development Center